I suspect that the new Panasonic camera will be derided by the DPR editors/reviewers because it's not a CaNikSonFuji camera and doesn't meet their standards for stills photography. "OMG it can't do BIF at a gazillion frames per second!" Or "You will have to carry a spare battery, it's the end of the world".
DPreview does not play any role anymore. They killed themselves. The youtube reviews of them will not achieve the same resonance as with Chris & Jordan. Petapixel will grow better.
Also the normal tests are nowadays a shadow of what they used to be 3 years ago. Part of the reason is also, that tests do play a less important role in today's market in general.
There are no bad cameras anymore. The current 24MP sensor of all brands deliver all you need for 99% of the people in 99% of the use cases.
The time and effort to produce a test which shall prove any kind of differences in LR with 800% magnification is not worth it compared to the benefits in real life.
Forums will play in the future a much bigger role, because only forums can reflect individual user preferences and direct communication and exchange of user experience among real users. Not only people who used a camera for 2 weeks on test charts.
Good youtubers (not all are good) have a niche to make a product fast well known in the first week. But also these are personal opinions. So 10 youtubers are like 10 users in a forum.