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News Lumix S9 - new camera rumor roundup

Two things:
1) This camera looks to be having a great start, at least by Panasonic standards, and Panasonic being successful with their cameras is good news for every single person invested in the L mount ecosystem. It keeps the ecosystem alive, it ensures Panasonic continues to develop new camera bodies and, especially with the success of the S9, could inspire them to come up with another compact camera body in the future - maybe even one that's going to be proper hybrid or even stills focussed.

2) People that predicted this camera would just crash and burn really struggle to see beyond the tip of their own nose when it comes to photography. The inability of some to just imagine that different people might have different interests and that a well-priced, small and stylish camera body with strong video functions might hold appeal to people, even if it's not the wet dream of a traditional stills photographer, was genuinely baffling to me. I saw a lot of people like that in a different forum, who were convinced this camera would spell doom for Panasonic, but apparently Lumix lives to see another day.

Yes, I was baffled too by the overwhelming negativity. It's like some people could not understand that there are others who want something different.