Over on DPR there was a monthly image and video thread that I think would be nice to have here.
The ”rules” from DPR are:
This is the place to share your L-mount images & videos. Please note that it is not essential that the content was created during April of 2023. If it's an L-mount image or video, and you want to share it (and have not shared it before) feel free to post it here!
Other suggestions:
If you feel you've been ignored, select your post, reply to it with a brief note to the effect of "Can I get some feedback?". Not getting feedback on a post isn't uncommon, so don't feel offended - no one is charged to ensure all posts get attention (we're not organised enough for that). If you want particular feedback (composition, exposure choice, etc.), saying so can be helpful for the potential respondents as to what your needs may be.
It is courteous and advisable that, should you post images for feedback, you also make comment on at least one other contribution. Respectful acknowledgment of everyone is the goal, and it’s requested that all participants assume some responsibility to that end.
The ”rules” from DPR are:
This is the place to share your L-mount images & videos. Please note that it is not essential that the content was created during April of 2023. If it's an L-mount image or video, and you want to share it (and have not shared it before) feel free to post it here!
Other suggestions:
- Unlike DPR, you can’t add your own title to a thread. So to add a suitable title, I’d suggest just doing a bold heading. Adding EXIF data would be a nice touch too.
- If you can provide details on the subject, camera, settings and processing, that can provide some members useful insight as they regard in your images.
- If you have more than 10+ images to share, please break them up into more than 1 posting.
- Thanks for all participation whether seasoned pro or beginner… Don’t be reluctant even if you are new to photography or L-Mount!
If you feel you've been ignored, select your post, reply to it with a brief note to the effect of "Can I get some feedback?". Not getting feedback on a post isn't uncommon, so don't feel offended - no one is charged to ensure all posts get attention (we're not organised enough for that). If you want particular feedback (composition, exposure choice, etc.), saying so can be helpful for the potential respondents as to what your needs may be.
It is courteous and advisable that, should you post images for feedback, you also make comment on at least one other contribution. Respectful acknowledgment of everyone is the goal, and it’s requested that all participants assume some responsibility to that end.
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