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*** September 2024 Image and Video Thread ***

I always envisioned Gold Coast as a little upscale, and not with a run down hotel.
Ha, I thought the same of Oceanside, CA where we stayed in a roach motel. Maybe we picked the wrong bit or it has changed since 1998 but I ended up with army marines who dragged me to a strip bar as it was the only local place which was a bar.

Next night in Long Beach the same again, I turned the radiator on and 100's of roaches came flying out of it. Walked out to the 7 11 shop past dodgy looking guys and it had bars and bullet proof glass, not even Belfast back then had such things. :D

Roach motels are luxury when you've been bicycle touring, wild camping and sleeping on picnic benches as in Glamis, sand dune area of California :p

Here all the accommodation seems to at least be Holiday Inn basic standard going superfluous and wasn't like that years ago. I don't know if it is better, certainly less character in many circumstances and too expensive nowadays in Ireland, all this used to be affordable and now it isn't.
Beautiful work! I'd wanted to shoot the Milky Way over Lake Michigan at the semi-local dark sky park (Bortle 2-3 skies) up near Mackinaw City, Michigan, but while the days were clear, the skies clouded over just after sundown and it turned rainy 'round midnight. Better luck next time, I hope.
The lighthouse from where I posted photos from recently is 35 miles away, about 1h 15min drive (roads just wide for cars last 7 miles) and Bortle 4. Good perspective for MW at 150° SE now over the Irish Sea so no cities with light pollution. The lighthouse can be useful giving some light paiting on the sea.

I've tried it before but clouded out, have to try it again but I'm still a noob with this camera and menu. It is brain frying being used to much simpler and the biggest dislike I have, the only one really. , I'll have to try and use a custom mode beforehand. TBH it's why I didn't go and drive all the way down and try and figure it out in the field, I need to practice at home first... It's annoying me as I know all the photography knowledge.

Isn't there an AF mode for stars?
Awww. That's too bad; I rather like it.

It actually looks like it has changed a fair bit from the 1940s pic; it looks a lot more Art Deco in yours.

Maybe it's the roof; it makes the building look too conventional in the 1940s pic. Did it still have that roof when you shot it?

I didn't see the roof at all from ground level so I think it must be gone and replaced with a flat roof. You're right, it does improve the appearance.

The hotel is run by a elderly couple and the wife was out sweeping the footpath when I was there. She said hello and told me many people stop to take photos. I love nostalgia so I really liked how it looked despite its run-down appearance.
I always envisioned Gold Coast as a little upscale, and not with a run down hotel. Granted I've only been there at the airport a couple of times passing through.
Yes, the Gold Coast is an upscale place for the most part, especially Surfer's Paradise and Southport. Where I was staying at Coolangatta it's also upscale and modern along the beachfront, like the two photos I posted back up the page: https://l-mount-forum.com/community...-image-and-video-thread.655/page-3#post-10462

However Tweed Heads has some old buildings and some industrial parts that are quite old.
The hotel is run by a elderly couple and the wife was out sweeping the footpath when I was there. She said hello and told me many people stop to take photos. I love nostalgia so I really liked how it looked despite its run-down appearance.

Here's a photo of one of the owners sweeping the footpath.

  • Panasonic - DC-S9
  • 24mm F3.5 DG DN | Contemporary 021
  • 24.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/200 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • ISO 100
That little 20-60 is picking out the detail :)
Lovely shot. Did you bracket?
That little 20-60 is picking out the detail :)
Lovely shot. Did you bracket?
I’ll swear the 20-60 is the sharpest lens I own! Well, maybe not - but it’s really very good.

Yes, it’s a bracket - 5EV (-2 to +2) and stack in LR.
Beautiful work! I'd wanted to shoot the Milky Way over Lake Michigan at the semi-local dark sky park (Bortle 2-3 skies) up near Mackinaw City, Michigan, but while the days were clear, the skies clouded over just after sundown and it turned rainy 'round midnight. Better luck next time, I hope.
Yes, astro can be brutal in terms of being dependent on the conditions. This year has been pretty good overall in Colorado - we've had much worse. Hope you can do better in October.
So my daughter & her hubby (probably more my daughter in all honesty) wanted to go mountain biking over the weekend. They're road riders, so I've put a couple of my older bikes back together, so we can all go. Good fun. The little 26mm body cap does a really good job at producing a nice result I think.
  • Panasonic - DC-S5
  • LUMIX S 26/F8
  • 26.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/200 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • -0.7
  • ISO 100
  • Panasonic - DC-S5
  • LUMIX S 26/F8
  • 26.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/100 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • -0.3
  • ISO 100

We rode right around the dam, you have to do both directions as there's a little creek/river that feeds into at right at the back. This one
  • Panasonic - DC-S5
  • LUMIX S 26/F8
  • 26.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/30 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • -0.7
  • ISO 100
It has been raining in Central Europe non-stop for almost a week, there are floods in the Czech Republic, Poland, part of Germany and Austria. The Danube has risen many meters in height and in Vienna they are almost overflowing, but at this point, the Danube Bend, located in Austria, seems like nothing has happened. Incredible.

53999240541_3c9a758d07_k.jpgDanube curve B/W by XAVIER GUTierrez, auf Flickr

Here is a real-time view with the webcam installed at this point: