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Which lenses are you missing?

No bias or prejudice here, I'm afraid. I'm not sure how you got that from an error with the focal length.
"The plastic 40mm f/8 "pancake" manual focus $200 toy lens that was announced with the S9.

I can imagine the scene in the Panasonic office:

"The 18-40mm is not going to be ready in time for the S9 release but we need a small lens to provide as a kit! What can you give us in a week?"

"We could make a 40ish f/8 plastic, manual focus toy lens that sells for a profit at $50 but it would seriously devalue the good Lumix name..."

"Good, do it, but quadruple the price!"

Are you seriously trying to tell us that this statement is actually a compliment? Calling it a plastic toy shows no bias or prejudice? Really? Lol lol lol.
Have you ever actually touched one?

You'd also be quite wrong about my attitude toward grammar. I actually make every attempt to get that right. I am human though, and will happily admit I can make mistakes.
There's a big difference between bias and prejudice and acknowledging that a product has serious drawbacks, ones which will outweigh it's advantages to the vast majority of users, and especially when the price seems high. I'm the first to say that most Canon products don't represent good value for money in many cases when bought new, yet their little RF 50mm f/1.8 costs the same as the 26mm pancake. Yes, they're very different focal lengths of course but it looks very bad for the Lumix when at the same cost Canon can make a lens that has AF, is over four stops faster and has filter threads. And it's a far more useful focal length. I'm sure the Lumix can produce fine photos when it's in it's element but f/8, no AF and no filter threads is VERY limiting.