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Which lenses are you missing?


We had in other threads interesting discussions about the current lens line up for L-Mount (around 80 lenses from Sigma, Leica and Panasonic) and what lenses might be interesting to produce. I do think it is worth an extra thread to collect the feedback of the L-Mount community.

Obviously this is never objective and always according to the personal preferences of each member. Maybe we can make later in a second step a poll to get a feeling how many members would prefer this or that lens for a future roadmap.

Lenses that have been mentioned already in the other threads in the order of the focal length:

Tilt-Shift lens
28mm FFL small and compact (i.e. i-series)
40mm FFL Art (i.e. a DG DN version)
50mm Macro
135mm FFL (i.e. a DG DN version)
200mm FFL
Light and compact tele zoom, no matter which aperture
Light and compact 24-200 zoom
24-70/4.0 (small and compact)
70-200/4.0 (small and compact)

Did I miss anything? Please add your wishes for lenses to this list.

Please check first, whether your favorite lens is already available in our L-Mount lens-overview list:

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I see a lot missing 'old-style' lenses named, but I wonder if Panasonic wil not go another route. They state they have a lot of new younger customers, and Panasonic knows that they are also quite focused on video.

I wonder if they would start a line with Anamorphic lenses with autofocus, in small package and lightweight. Nobody has it, but they already have more and more lightweight lenses, have the best support for Anamorphic from all the camera manufacturers...

I think with two or three 'ordinary' more lenses my set of lenses will be complete, but if they would start selling these, I would really consider buying these.

Just my 5 cents...
They have it pretty well covered and are adding lenses on a regular basis.

Yes, but which would you like them to add in the future? Which one would you buy then?
A variable aperture 24-85mm or 24-120mm that's optically very good but not big or heavy would be a great walk-around for many people, especially those who prioritise focal range over speed.
For me the Panasonic series lenses are perfect, but still not enough telephoto. I would like to have a 135mm/f4 or 150mm/f4 in the same quality and size as the Panasonic 100mm 2.8. A small but fine telephoto for my small fpL would be nice :)
A 24-120 f4 internal zoom lens.

There is already a 24-105/4.0 Are you sure you would buy a lens with only 15mm more reach or would you like to have a smaller/lighter zoom?

A 35~40 f2 with aperture ring.

There is the Sigma 35/2.0 DG DN and Sigma 45/2.8 DG DN already available. Both with aperture rings.
A 20-70/2.8-4 macro would be nice but quite unrealistic.

All in all, I think the lens selection is very good now. At least for my taste. Maybe a 85mm/1.2 and 50mm/1.2 would be great additions for high-end customer.
For me it's... An ultrazoom lens. Yes, yes, yes, right after release of 28-200 I am telling that I am missing al ultrazoom. Why? Because I am completely unhappy with 28-200. Ultrazooms are meant to be "All in one" lenses. So you can take one lens with you and it will cover at least 90% of what you will want to take pictures of. However, 28 is not wide enough, 200 is not long enough. So with this lens I will be limited from BOTH sides! That's why I am not happy with this release. It should be either 24 on the ide end or 300+ on the tele end to interest me, or both, which would surely make me happy.

So yes, I am still waiting for a good ultrazoom lens. But now I don't think I'll get one :(
Oh... and a new BETTER 24-105 or 24-120. Existing 24-105 is not a very nice lens. It handles front light EXTREMEMLY badly, in fact, in this field it is the worst lens I've ever used. And in addition it is prone for strange problem when second front element gets covered with small whitish particles. Maybe it is fungus maybe not, but it happens alot as there are many reports on DRreview...
I wonder if they would start a line with Anamorphic lenses with autofocus, in small package and lightweight. Nobody has it, but they already have more and more lightweight lenses, have the best support for Anamorphic from all the camera manufacturers...
I agree, I'd like to see Panasonic or Sigms anamorphic lenses. These are often associated with video, but they are also very interesting for photography. Small and lightweight may not be possible, but smaller and lighter weight would be good.
The current native lens lineup is really good (also without the really pricy lenses from Leica). My wish of a native wide angle tilt-shift was mentioned in the initial post already.
When think about typical lenses missing, the ones coming in my mind are
135mm f1.8 like the Nikon Plena
300mm f2.8
But both will be quite big lenses.
And I feel a 300mm f2.8 should be used now a days with cameras as quick as a Nikon Z8/9, Canon R6ii/R5, Sony A1/ A9ii or so…
Full frame.

18-50 fullframe will be tough to design small and with a very good image quality. But if someone is able to do this, this would be a very interesting zoom range.

Which weight and which aperture need this to be so that you would be willing to buy it?