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News Sigma BF

If it had an EVF, I’d be very tempted.

I have to see it in real life. But if it would be available at Lumix S9 prices of Japan, I would probably buy it in combination with a 28mm i-series FFL Teufel Grinsend Schwanz
If there would be a very good 28mm F2 pancake AF lens available I could be interested.

My concern is - as always - the screen in sunshine. If it is better than with my Ricoh GR3, the BF could be a potential upgrade.
Definitely not for me:

Unfortunately he still is not able to look outside of his own, personal use case comforr zone. Same with Lumix S9.

I understand, that someone who wants to have always an EVF, will not like the S9 or BF.

But guess what? No smartphone user is missing an EVF and they are bought in billions worldwide every year. Also to replace a normal, traditional camera. And exactly for this target group the BF was designed.

The BF is not meant as an alternative to what is already on the market from other brands. The BF is for a target group which does not like what is offered from all the others.

The Sigma BF target group is in this sense a kind of "anti-what-Chris-would-prefer-group".

We will not see many reports on the internet or in forums about BF owners, because the majority of this target group does not spend time in forums or watch camera reviews on YouTube.

They do not care. They just want to have a bigger smartphone with interchangeble lenses and a really cool design for daily use and show-off. To differentiate themselves from others. Only few will have a "real" camera too.

The BF main target group will find real cameras like a "back to the future" video. Something from the 80ies. Like phones with cables hanging from the wall or shaving with a straight razor*.

*= although shaving with a straight razor is really cool again, so wrong example.
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Definitely not for me:

I’m not going to bother watching that because it’ll just irritate the heck out of me. I’m sure, come December, he’ll be calling the BF “Worst camera of the year” just like he did with the fp L.

And yet the vast majority of the photos I’ve taken over the last two years have been with the fp L, and they include a fair number of the photos I’m most pleased with from my 25 years with digital cameras, starting back in 2000 with a Nikon D1. The supposed problems and disadvantages of the fp L haven’t really been much of an issue in practice and, together with Sigma’s i-series primes, it produces beautiful images with the best colour I’ve seen from any camera.

I have no interest in using a smartphone for photography but I am interested in the BF. It’s clearly not the ultimate, do-it-all camera, it’s something different, something original, and I’d have a lot of fun finding out what I could do with it.
If you look the CP+ report video from Martin Krolop (german), he showed the longest waiting crowd at the Sigma booth! And additionally from the production rate of nine raw bodies per day this camera is not designed to be a mass product! They could have preproduced bodies for some time, but the output in the future will be very limited. So I think we do not have to care about all the reports, there will be enough buyers to cover the production rate…
And all the others can keep fingers crossed for the next l-mount model…
If more BF will be sold than expected, I have no doubt, that Sigma will buy more machines. The production capacity is in my view the smallest problem, as long as it is profitable for Sigma.
And yet the vast majority of the photos I’ve taken over the last two years have been with the fp L, and they include a fair number of the photos I’m most pleased with from my 25 years with digital cameras, starting back in 2000 with a Nikon D1.

I think this is a very important point. Nowadays many people only look which camera got the best YouTube reviews and buy it blindly.

People need to make up their own mind, think about their own use case and their own, very individual preferences. The camera I like does not have to be the camera someone else likes.

It is good to hear different opinions and exchange pro and cons of the different viewpoints. But I do not have to "like" the same camera or features like my neighbour.
Unfortunately he still is not able to look outside of his own, personal use case comforr zone. Same with Lumix S9.


I understand, that someone who wants to have always an EVF, will not like the S9 or BF.

I would put it a little differently: "Someone who wants to shoot in bright sunlight without having to resort to awkward work-arounds will not like the S9 or BF."

An EVF would still be my first preference. But: my first post in this thread talked about a quantum breakthrough in rear screen performance, and I think that still holds true; if Sigma had made a rear screen that was easily visible in bright sunlight, it might not have been what I preferred, but it would still probably have been usable for me.

Unfortunately, from the scenes they shot of people trying to shade the screen, it looks like it's not significantly more usable in bright sunlight than any of the other rear-screen-only cameras I've owned. ;_;

But guess what? No smartphone user is missing an EVF and they are bought in billions worldwide every year. Also to replace a normal, traditional camera. And exactly for this target group the BF was designed.

I'm not sure that's a workable comparison. Smartphones have to be usable in bright sunlight - not just for photos, but for texting, emailing, or just about anything else you do with them. So the manufacturers have put more work into the screens.

The BF is not meant as an alternative to what is already on the market from other brands. The BF is for a target group which does not like what is offered from all the others.

The Sigma BF target group is in this sense a kind of "anti-what-Chris-would-prefer-group".

I'm not sure I agree completely with the first part.

"anti-what-Chris-would-prefer-group", absolutely. :) But that definitely doesn't mean the only target group is "doesn't like what's offered from all the others."

Chris, from what I could tell, is very much an always-fiddling-with-the-settings shooter. Always manually tweaking shutter speed, aperture, etc. etc. And for that kind of shooter, yeah, the BF will get in their way.

Not everyone is that kind of shooter. :)

I generally spend very little time adjusting settings. Program mode (effectively aperture priority with the manual lenses I normally shoot with), adjust the aperture occasionally with the lens ring, occasionally adjust exposure compensation, use Auto ISO with a shutter speed floor to let ISO and shutter speed float to match the exposure compensation I set. And that's it. The only thing I do regularly use is focus magnification, so I remapped my fp's AEL button to switch magnification on and off; that's easily 90-95% of the button presses I make on the camera.

The BF would probably work very well for me, if there's an easy way to toggle focus magnification, or if I were using native lenses. If it had a way to shoot in daylight without the hassle of fussing around with some kind of shield for the rear screen.
If more BF will be sold than expected, I have no doubt, that Sigma will buy more machines. The production capacity is in my view the smallest problem, as long as it is profitable for Sigma.
In theory yes, but these cnc machining centers are really expensive (you have to sell a lot of BF to return an invest of one million or more) and the delivery time could be easily 1-2 years…
On the other side: if production only is a bit behind the demand, the prices will stay constant. That will be also good for Sigma.