Unfortunately he still is not able to look outside of his own, personal use case comforr zone. Same with Lumix S9.
I understand, that someone who wants to have always an EVF, will not like the S9 or BF.
But guess what? No smartphone user is missing an EVF and they are bought in billions worldwide every year. Also to replace a normal, traditional camera. And exactly for this target group the BF was designed.
The BF is not meant as an alternative to what is already on the market from other brands. The BF is for a target group which does not like what is offered from all the others.
The Sigma BF target group is in this sense a kind of "anti-what-Chris-would-prefer-group".
We will not see many reports on the internet or in forums about BF owners, because the majority of this target group does not spend time in forums or watch camera reviews on YouTube.
They do not care. They just want to have a bigger smartphone with interchangeble lenses and a really cool design for daily use and show-off. To differentiate themselves from others. Only few will have a "real" camera too.
The BF main target group will find real cameras like a "back to the future" video. Something from the 80ies. Like phones with cables hanging from the wall or shaving with a straight razor*.
*= although shaving with a straight razor is really cool again, so wrong example.