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Petapixel chat on the SL3s and L mount’s future


Interesting discussion. I agree with most of what they say. I think 2025 will be a make or break year for Panasonic.

I only have watched the L-Mount part and I think while they got some points, they are also very subjective in their point of view as reviewers and as former employees of a local camera store in Canada.
The real problem that I see with Panasonic is that they are completely have no higher end options. Neither for photography nor for videography. But the S5II is still one of the best mid-range cameras and even the older cameras like the S1R are still valid options for everyone who don't want to shoot fast subjects. In fact, while newer cameras are having faster sensors, they also tend to have worse DR and the S1 line had already gotten many features models from other brands got way later. Of course all of those are older cameras.
Also about the availability of lenses, that's maybe largely depends on market's and it's lot less of a problem with online offerings. I don't know about Canada, but here in Germany you can get every Sigma, Panasonic or even Leica lens in a matter of view day's (Leica is a little more difficult) and many of the bigger stores have them on stock.
I am somewhat worried that we will be disappointed. It seems unlikely that Panasonic will suddenly pull out a completely new sensor that Leica does not have. So we can expect basically the same sensor as the SL3 (ok but very slow readout) and the SL3-S, which is still the same sensor as the S5ii, which is still the same sensor as in the s1 plus PDAF.

I was hoping for a bit more. Some sort of stacked sensor would have been tempting

I’m also surprised that AF has not improved faster. I was expecting them to update and improve at a faster pace. Panasonic usually was very good with regular updates but they did not release much.

That’s the negative read. The positive one would be that they kept the surprises for after Leica’s releases so they are not looking bad. But I don’t see that being realistic given their L2 alliance.
I am somewhat worried that we will be disappointed. It seems unlikely that Panasonic will suddenly pull out a completely new sensor that Leica does not have. So we can expect basically the same sensor as the SL3 (ok but very slow readout) and the SL3-S, which is still the same sensor as the S5ii, which is still the same sensor as in the s1 plus PDAF.


But there has to be a S1HII in the near future an it has to have 4k 60fps at least. That's not possible with those two sensors. So Panasonic will most likely introduce a new sensor. A S1HII or S1ii wouldn't make any sense otherwise.
I am somewhat worried that we will be disappointed. It seems unlikely that Panasonic will suddenly pull out a completely new sensor that Leica does not have. So we can expect basically the same sensor as the SL3 (ok but very slow readout) and the SL3-S, which is still the same sensor as the S5ii, which is still the same sensor as in the s1 plus PDAF.

I was hoping for a bit more. Some sort of stacked sensor would have been tempting

I’m also surprised that AF has not improved faster. I was expecting them to update and improve at a faster pace. Panasonic usually was very good with regular updates but they did not release much.

That’s the negative read. The positive one would be that they kept the surprises for after Leica’s releases so they are not looking bad. But I don’t see that being realistic given their L2 alliance.
For video the also introduced the new camera first als Lumix, than as Leica. For Photography exactly the opposite.

I expect the Leica sensor on the S1Rii, and a new sensor on the S1Hii.