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***May 2024 Image and video thread***

Nope, it's what I seen in the EVF taking the video.
I don't know what to say. I've been running with the 20-60mm which is not a stabilized lens, so it is just the camera IBIS stabilizer. So I switched to the 24-105mm lens which is stabilized so the IBIS and lens stabilizer need to work together. The 24-105mm firmware is 1.3. I just did a 105mm pan shot of a car passing by, and don't see any sign of a stabilization problem. The settings are: Lens O.I.S. switch, ON. E-Stabilization, HIGH. Boost I.S., OFF. 4K30p, Photo Style Standard, shot at 1/125 sec, f/5.0, ISO 640, with a ND 0.9 filter.
I don't know what to say. I've been running with the 20-60mm which is not a stabilized lens, so it is just the camera IBIS stabilizer. So I switched to the 24-105mm lens which is stabilized so the IBIS and lens stabilizer need to work together. The 24-105mm firmware is 1.3. I just did a 105mm pan shot of a car passing by, and don't see any sign of a stabilization problem. The settings are: Lens O.I.S. switch, ON. E-Stabilization, HIGH. Boost I.S., OFF. 4K30p, Photo Style Standard, shot at 1/125 sec, f/5.0, ISO 640, with a ND 0.9 filter.
Settings: I used Boost IS ON, APSC mode, 4k50, 300mm, I also had Auto Panning selected but Lumix Rep says contradicts this.IMG_20240509_223140.jpg
  • Xiaomi - M2012K11AG
  • 4.7 mm
  • ƒ/1.8
  • 1/35 sec
  • Center-Weighted Average
  • ISO 642
  • Xiaomi - M2012K11AG
  • 4.7 mm
  • ƒ/1.8
  • 1/35 sec
  • Center-Weighted Average
  • ISO 626
  • Xiaomi - M2012K11AG
  • 4.7 mm
  • ƒ/1.8
  • 1/25 sec
  • Center-Weighted Average
  • ISO 604

I'll see if I can upload the video later when back at house, wait until then and you can then view it.
I think the problem is boost-IS... That cannot be used when panning, but E-stabilazation without boost-IS can
According to my settings it can as both were enabled. I think the Lumix rep said High Stability mode supercedes Boost-IS so doesn't matter on/off.

Here ya go, Stanley Kubrick feel no fear :oops:

A few 0.5x macros with the 70-300 f4.5-f5.6 @300mm, no magnification cropping, Adobe Vivid RAW convertor, only exposure corrections/vignettes.
Cape Daisies which survived the winter:
  • Panasonic - DC-S5M2
  • LUMIX S 70-300/F4.5-5.6
  • 300.0 mm
  • ƒ/7.1
  • 1/80 sec
  • Pattern
  • ISO 100
  • Panasonic - DC-S5M2
  • LUMIX S 70-300/F4.5-5.6
  • 300.0 mm
  • ƒ/7.1
  • 1/80 sec
  • Pattern
  • ISO 100
According to my settings it can as both were enabled. I think the Lumix rep said High Stability mode supercedes Boost-IS so doesn't matter on/off.
I'm sure it does make a difference, at least in my testing it did.

I get the same issue what you had with IS-boost on, but not when it is set to off. For me it does make a difference.

Thats also partly what I meant I have to get better. You have a lot to check when shooting video, and I forget often a setting to check like:
-Boost-IS on/off
- E stabilization off/normal/high
- Aperture
- Shutter-Angle
- ND-filter adjustment (for fixing exposure after setting the previous settings)
- FF / APS-C / Pixel
- Auto-focus mode including the people/person mode on/off and setting the small box correctly sometimes
- White balance (auto, Kelvin etc)

Almost every time I shoot Vlog, 25FPS, 4k 10bit 422 L.
Dometimes I do use 4K all-I or 5.8K Proresraw, but not in this trip.

In the end this is quite a lot for my 51-year old brain to keeep in check, at least on a trip together with my wife. On a controlled environment shoot like a Interview or greenscreen recording I found it much easier to do this.

But nice video (not looking at the IS-problem).
With Boost-IS off you could get very nice videos, the rest is for POST.
Three views:

  • LUMIX S 20-60/F3.5-5.6
  • 20.0 mm
  • ƒ/3.5
  • 1/50 sec
  • Pattern
  • ISO 6400
20240426-P1022309 by Travis Butler, on Flickr

View attachment 53701999319_43bc0e8d15_o.jpg20240426-P1022308 by Travis Butler, on Flickr

  • LUMIX S 20-60/F3.5-5.6
  • 20.0 mm
  • ƒ/3.5
  • 1/60 sec
  • Pattern
  • ISO 1600
20240426-P1022315 by Travis Butler, on Flickr

I like shooting these kind of museum displays - you can get some really nice shots - but it always feels like cheating, because you're piggybacking on the work of the multimedia people who put together the original display.
In the middle foreground you can see a crazy man in a hang glider
That's a para glider, I used to photograph a club here as a friend was in it, helped him once carrying it up a 2800ft mountain then he'd launch of it, he crashed and broke his back so that was the end of it for him... Wife not happy Z04 Motzer Z04 KommmalherfreundchenZ04 Zeter01Z04 Wife

Thet are actually great for sporty landscapes if you go and volunteer to photograph them, I have great photos of then in lovely Irish landscapes. All done with Pentax APSC and a cheap MF zoom from the 1980s but they are great photos... They loved them and got big prints, also used B&W film too and need to scan the negatives some day or print them... I have a complete dark room in boxes!
I get the same issue what you had with IS-boost on, but not when it is set to off. For me it does make a difference.
Well I'll try that next time and see, bear in mind you used 4k30 on 200mm (so no crop tgere) but HIGH E-STAB reportedly has a 1.4x crop? I used 4k50 on 300mm which is automatically an APSC crop plus HIGH E-STAB (but I assume no more cropping with this), but 450mm is considerably more taxing than approx 280mm you were using and this is a factor so I'll try 200mm and others next time. TBH looking at the video I'm now impressed and maybe over-exaggerated a problem... This is at least eq 450mm!

51yo? You're only a cub but I'm younger :D by not much :p

This is a good discussion, how else could we learn this? This is how you slowly master your complicated equipment.
bear in mind you used 4k30 on 200mm (so no crop tgere) but HIGH E-STAB reportedly has a 1.4x crop? I used 4k50 on 300mm which is automatically an APSC crop plus HIGH E-STAB (but I assume no more cropping with this), but 450mm is considerably more taxing than approx 280mm you were using and this is a factor so I'll try 200mm and others next time.
Thats what I found already so difficult. I also used APS-C with E-STAB, but the smalles movement makes a lot of difference. I was already at 420mm in that setting, you can come till 630mm, cool but just a wiff of wind and you are pointing somewhere completely else.

I cannot imagine doing that handheld o_O

At the other end I feld the same: 28mm at macrodistance is quite difficult handheld (the ants and some flowers in my video).
piggybacking on the work of the multimedia people who put together the original display.
Yip and the photographers taking the original photos, the exhibition couldn't be possible without those captures. Same madness that exhibition shows is going on now and we thought that was all over! Which why it's not just history but today's war and geo-politics. It's almost a museum of today, tomorrow and the next.
Yip and the photographers taking the original photos, the exhibition couldn't be possible without those captures. Same madness that exhibition shows is going on now and we thought that was all over! Which why it's not just history but today's war and geo-politics. It's almost a museum of today, tomorrow and the next.
It's the Truman Presidential Library in Independence, MO, and I think they do a better job than most at giving context to events... at least for a museum, as opposed to a book or a history course. The World War I museum at Liberty Memorial downtown is similarly good.

A couple more shots from there:

(Display on the atomic bomb... the pillar displays the safety plug for Fat Man)
View attachment 53702092350_65369e574a_o.jpg20240426-P1022303 by Travis Butler, on Flickr

(Truman served in WWI as an artillery captain: )
  • LUMIX S 20-60/F3.5-5.6
  • 20.0 mm
  • ƒ/3.5
  • 1/60 sec
  • Pattern
  • ISO 5000
20240426-P1022293 by Travis Butler, on Flickr

(Post-War and Cold War: )
View attachment 53700767287_70f038d70e_o.jpg20240426-P1022307 by Travis Butler, on Flickr

  • LUMIX S 20-60/F3.5-5.6
  • 20.0 mm
  • ƒ/3.5
  • 1/60 sec
  • Pattern
  • ISO 3200
20240426-P1022317 by Travis Butler, on Flickr
Last edited:
Yeah' I know quite a bit about Truman as I was interested in nuclear weapons since about the age of 8-10 or so as I stole a book called 'The Nuclear War Game' from my father's books (he was a sales rep) and my parents found it and didn't want me to read about the horrors... Too late, I knew about blast radius, fallout and Hiroshima more then than they ever did x100 as they were always ignorant of information.

Truman had a bit of a reputation for being dumb as he boasted to Stalin at Potsdam that they had a miracle weapon and he knew more than he did about it. It's fascinating history as nothing much has changed and totally relevant today.
According to my settings it can as both were enabled. I think the Lumix rep said High Stability mode supercedes Boost-IS so doesn't matter on/off.

Here ya go, Stanley Kubrick feel no fear
Nice video, especially from that far away. It is clear that Boost I.S is on and functioning. When the required stabilization is out of range it jumps to a new range. You see this jump in both tilt and pan. It looks like Boost I.S is dominating, not E-Stabilization High.

Also, Panning (Auto) is for photography, not for video. It should not do anything for video. It looks like you may be setting up in the Photo Mode and then using the Red button for video. You are in uncharted territory for me, I have never done that, and don't know if all the settings make a clean switch from photo to video. I suggest when you shoot video to switch the mode knob to video. Then when you set stabilization it will just show the video options.

Boost I.S. is to simulate using a tripod for video, and it is extreme stabilization but over a fairly narrow range. I could not hold a camera steady enough to use this with the magnification you used, so you have very steady hands to get what you got - I could not do that. If you go to the video mode and use just E-Stabilization High you will see that your hand motion will show up in the video, but very dampened, and there is no range limit. You can tilt and pan without any of the jumping you see with Boost I.S.
Travis, your last photo I thought looks like the space capsule in 2001 movie, the colours are great, the colours really make a photo and it's better than my former APSC Pentax but I'm now viewing on AMOLED phone so maybe that's bias as I dodn't have that back then. That globe is an excellent exhibition.
Travis, your last photo I thought looks like the space capsule in 2001 movie, the colours are great, the colours really make a photo and it's better than my former APSC Pentax but I'm now viewing on AMOLED phone so maybe that's bias as I dodn't have that back then. That globe is an excellent exhibition.
The attachment before it (wish I could figure out what's going on with that bug) shows the other side of the globe; the lighting changed on a cycle, and they displayed video clips on that side.
Truman had a bit of a reputation for being dumb as he boasted to Stalin at Potsdam that they had a miracle weapon and he knew more than he did about it. It's fascinating history as nothing much has changed and totally relevant today.
This is explained in the Potsdam Museum in Germany. The issue Truman had is that Stalin was anxious to join the war in Japan, as the war in Germany was about wrapped up. Truman and the allies fighting in the Pacific wanted none of this, they wanted to keep Russia out of Japan. So he described the bomb and said it would end the war and he would not need any help from Russia. Part of the logic for the timing of the bombs was because of this.
Nice video, especially from that far away. It is clear that Boost I.S is on and functioning. When the required stabilization is out of range it jumps to a new range. You see this jump in both tilt and pan. It looks like Boost I.S is dominating, not E-Stabilization High.
OK I will try that and your advice below.
Also, Panning (Auto) is for photography, not for video. It should not do anything for video. It looks like you may be setting up in the Photo Mode and then using the Red button for video. You are in uncharted territory for me, I have never done that, and don't know if all the settings make a clean switch from photo to video. I suggest when you shoot video to switch the mode knob to video. Then when you set stabilization it will just show the video options.
That is what I'm doing with M mode, I thought the red button switched everything to video settings, it seems we both are unsure but why would photo settings be used for video and are both photo and video properly distinguished regarding settings? I assumed so.
Boost I.S. is to simulate using a tripod for video, and it is extreme stabilization but over a fairly narrow range. I could not hold a camera steady enough to use this with the magnification you used, so you have very steady hands to get what you got - I could not do that. If you go to the video mode and use just E-Stabilization High you will see that your hand motion will show up in the video, but very dampened, and there is no range limit. You can tilt and pan without any of the jumping you see with Boost I.S.
The Lumix rep Sean said HIGH STAB meant tripod simulation, I'm now wondering did he only mean for photo? I'll try your suggestions

Yes I do have steady hands coming from Pentax and the die-hard cultists have tried to ban me from their forums for saying OVF is not an advantage and is not a better photographic device. None of their lenses were stabilised and used 60-250 and 300 prime for years on APSC, so only IBIS in the captured image. Now I can do that cruise ship video and uber-sharp macros with 1/40 or lower with the same lens, I couldn't go lower due to the wind. I still have their film cameras which I'll probably use again and yes the lack of stability tech did teach me how to be stable, maybe like sniper training or something, I still breath out slowly when firing :oops::D