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News Lumix S9 - new camera rumor roundup

Maybe it is indeed just a big cellphone with extreme camera features! Guess not… but I think a GR4-Phone combo could be . That would be awesome. A phone with replaceable batteries. Sounds like a good idea anyways
When the new camera will be called S9, there is a little space for a version with EVF between the S5 and S9. But I really hope it's not to much compromises for the size.
When the new camera will be called S9, there is a little space for a version with EVF between the S5 and S9. But I really hope it's not to much compromises for the size.

S7 with viewfinder for 999€ would sound great for me Teufel Grinsend Schwanz
Maybe it is indeed just a big cellphone with extreme camera features!
Exactly! I remember the display of the Leica TL/2, it was a bit like a smartphone... And I remember the Zeiss Zx1, that offered the option to edit the photos in camera with lightroom (that was not a very popular camera, I must say, the price was a bit high).

Maybe with the hype of video content creation Lumix has seen a market gap and decided to innovate and offer something new... Lets see.
You know what I would love to be announced....

BRAW on the S5iiX :cool: And yes if it would cost money for the license... Please tell me how i can pay z04 dance00
Maybe it is indeed just a big cellphone with extreme camera features! Guess not… but I think a GR4-Phone combo could be . That would be awesome. A phone with replaceable batteries. Sounds like a good idea anyways
Every time it's been tested in the marketplace, it's flopped.

Seriously, look at the history of extreme cameraphones/phone-camera hybrids. Nikon had the Android-based S800c and S810c; Samsung had the Galaxy Camera, S4 Zoom, and Galaxy NX. On the smartphone side of the fence, Panasonic had the CM1, Nokia had the PureView line. None of them had any notable sales success. None of the camera models lasted more than a year or two - and worse, none of them got more than a year or so of Android updates, which cut off their access to newer apps and left them with security vulnerabilities.
I am guessing there must be a new lens coming with this? Given the compact size, I can't see the the current range of primes being a good match. It would go well with a small Sigma prime though, like the little 45mm f2.8.

I could live without an EVF if it had a tilting rear screen.

Anyway, exciting times for Panasonic!

Edit: @dirk - maybe you will get your 28mm prime after all??
Edit: @dirk - maybe you will get your 28mm prime after all??
With the luck i had in the past with the 28mm FFL, they would probably sell that lens only as a kit lens with the body together. Z04 Zeter01
Every time it's been tested in the marketplace, it's flopped.

Seriously, look at the history of extreme cameraphones/phone-camera hybrids. Nikon had the Android-based S800c and S810c; Samsung had the Galaxy Camera, S4 Zoom, and Galaxy NX. On the smartphone side of the fence, Panasonic had the CM1, Nokia had the PureView line. None of them had any notable sales success. None of the camera models lasted more than a year or two - and worse, none of them got more than a year or so of Android updates, which cut off their access to newer apps and left them with security vulnerabilities.
I had the Nokia 1020, lost / stolen in Peru... and could not find another one at the time. But really liked it. Liked the Windows Phone ecosystem too. But all those examples are still with wannabe sensors, and current phones have larger sensors and beter lenses since then. But a full-frame sensor phone... :cool:
Realistically I don't see a market for it either... just a few nerds like me.
Sounds like a good excuse to your wife that you have to buy another camera :)

You guys are killing me. Hope my wife never finds this thread... Z04 Wife

But to be honest, I would rather prefer a 28mm with an aperture ring. I doubt that Panasonic would do that for me....

Maybe @Richard Wong can ask this for me on the event. I mean, I am running LMount and MFT forums for free in English and German. So a special limited edition 28mm would be nice. Z04 Flucht
@dirk On mft I did like the rendering of the Lumix 14/2.5 (and I had a wide-angle adapter for it as well). Did you use that one as well? At one point I upgraded to a G80, and to slim down my collection traded it in, along with other stuff. Later on I got the 15/1.7

But still... the XF18/1.4 is the best 28mm'ish lens I've had. And the GR3 also, which is smaller and lighter then the XF18/1.4 alone :)
How many 28mm lenses do you have spread across your systems?
Something like the Panaleica 15mm 1.7 would be nice. No real pancake, I know. It's more of a muffin lens. But I really have liked this lens in my MFT times. It was the last lens, I have sold.

A 30mm f2.8 maybe?
@dirk On mft I did like the rendering of the Lumix 14/2.5 (and I had a wide-angle adapter for it as well). Did you use that one as well? At one point I upgraded to a G80, and to slim down my collection traded it in, along with other stuff. Later on I got the 15/1.7


I've had the 14/2.5 as well. Together with the wide angle converter. It was a nice lens on my PL5 back than. But the edges, and even more the corners, with the wide angle converter where horrible. I also have switched to the 15/1.7 later on.
@dirk On mft I did like the rendering of the Lumix 14/2.5 (and I had a wide-angle adapter for it as well). Did you use that one as well? At one point I upgraded to a G80, and to slim down my collection traded it in, along with other stuff. Later on I got the 15/1.7
I had both the 14/2.5 and the 15/1.7; I admit I much preferred the PanLeica, tho the 14 wasn’t bad.
But still... the XF18/1.4 is the best 28mm'ish lens I've had. And the GR3 also, which is smaller and lighter then the XF18/1.4 alone :)
How many 28mm lenses do you have spread across your systems?
Hrm. Well, I had the Coolpix A I mentioned before (the Nikon attempt at the GR niche), but most of the 28’s I have are adapted film-era. Admit none of them ever really clicked for me until I ran across the Kiron-made Vivitar 28/2.5, which I love.