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Where is the S1 mark ii?

The question is what kind of model could that be? S1 mk2, S1R mk2, S1h mk2 or something totally different?
I wonder if they will forgo the S1 series altogether and make the successors in the S5 form factor considering that models success.

Perhaps there will still be an S1 successor but as the sole flagship body where its size can be a differentiator for professionals.

Regardless, I would not be surprised if we see more of the "small" form factor S5 type bodies come to market.
I think there will be one merged successor for S1 and S1r (and maybe also S1H), maybe with a smaller body compared to the original S1/r, but still bigger than the S5II. I also think there will be a S5R with higher resolution. And I totally hoping for a smaller range finder Body, call it SX5 or S7.
Body size depends on how many different bodies they want to offer in the long run.

If there will ever be a RF style body, that one will be/needs to be smaller that the S5.

That would leave room than for the S5 line with its midrange body size and a merged S1/S1R/S1H with a bigger body size than the S5.

But to be honest, I do think that Panasonic needs a smaller S5-type of camera to be able to compete against the Nikon Z6/Z7 and Fuji cameras.
I think it is time for Dual Gain sensors in FF; I think the latest BM L-mount release has it, right?
Lumix has stated 6k should be enough (I agree) so maybe 25 or 26 Mpix, Dual gain, readout capable of full bit depth 60p (=low rolling shutter), full sensor reduced bit depth 120p (like G9ii) also as a "lowest rolling shutter" mode.
I guess we will know soonish.
There are new rumours about a S1X, which sounds a little bit like a S1, S1R sand S1H merged into one S1X:

The leak would fit in the timeframe since the registration of a new high-end body a month ago and a release within the next month or two. And also an unknown all black Lumix body, much like the S5IIx, appeared in the last Lumix us live stream, what also could hint to a S1X.

However, while I basically think Panasonic is likely to merge the three models in to one, the leaked specifications seems to good to be true:

"49Mp BSI Live MOS sensor: no low pass, high resolution, optimized edge incidence efficiency,
20fps mechanical shutter continuous shooting, 60fps AE/AF , omnidirectional phase focus
full frame 8.5K 3: 2 48fps / 8.2K 16:9 60fps video
S35 5.1K 4:3 72fps / 5.6K 17:9 90fps / 5.4K 2.4:1 120fps video recording
native ISO, 50/225/1000, up to 17 stops of dynamic range"