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News Sigma BF

But guess what? No smartphone user is missing an EVF and they are bought in billions worldwide every year. Also to replace a normal, traditional camera. And exactly for this target group the BF was designed.
In fairness, smartphones are purchased in the billions worldwide because they perform a number of tasks, among them being camera-like. I'm not sure anyone buys a smartphone exclusively for its camera.
In fairness, smartphones are purchased in the billions worldwide because they perform a number of tasks, among them being camera-like. I'm not sure anyone buys a smartphone exclusively for its camera.
No. that could be wrong. I bought the iPhone Pro only because of the additional 3rd camera, otherwise I could go with the standard iPhone. Any Phone works the same for me, only the camera triggered the decision...

That's interesting, because of the reach and attention Marques Brownlee can create. He is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, tech YouTuber and has much more followers and views than the camera YouTuber. I mean he did an interview with Barack Obama on his channel. But he usually doesn't have much camera talk lately.

That's said, that's not his main channel, but he also did a short about the BF on this main channel.
No. that could be wrong. I bought the iPhone Pro only because of the additional 3rd camera, otherwise I could go with the standard iPhone. Any Phone works the same for me, only the camera triggered the decision...
Folks here are hardly the typical sample.