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SHOW - Shots in 65:24 format (Xpan)

Another shot of Charlecote hall (sorry, must do more variation!). This one is a stitch of four shots and uploaded to Flickr at max res - 13k pixels across. There's a lot of detail there if you go pixel peeking! Right click in your browser and then do "open image in new tab" (or similar). If you just click through to Flickr you won't see the full size.

If that doesn't work, you can go direct to the hi-res image here => https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/54064329018_1b9f89ac86_o.jpg

Charlecote Hall by Paul Kaye, on Flickr
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Testing 1, 2, 3 ...
A 65:24 full-width slice cropped from the middle of a full-frame 96MP S5iiX image, desaturated to B&W in post. Our 1st dusting of snow this season.
  • Panasonic - DC-S5M2X
  • LUMIX S 50/F1.8
  • 50.0 mm
  • ƒ/4.5
  • 1/1000 sec
  • Center-Weighted Average
  • Manual exposure
  • ISO 3200
The HiRes mode worked well with snow... Somehow, but good to know it works
Yes, HiRes mode can be amazing, when it handles motion well. I usually take two exposures, one HiRes 96MP & the other "normal" 24MP, in case the HiRes capture includes more ghosting than can be fixed in post. BTW, the image above was captured while the camera was locked on a tripod.
For some reason this cemetery situated on the side of a hill and oriented towards the south, that is, towards the sun, seems fascinating to me.

  • Panasonic - DC-S5M2
  • LUMIX S 14-28/F4-5.6
  • 14.0 mm
  • ƒ/5.2
  • 1/800 sec
  • Pattern
  • Manual exposure
  • ISO 1600