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New Member
While I was googling „Sigma fp-L user group“ and swiping away all ads and FB groups I stumbled over this forum and thought it might be nice to see what happens here and why.

I‘m an L-mount user since late 2020, based in Switzerland and switched to L-mount after 10 years of Nikon. At first, I was attracted to the S1R which I tried before starting a mirror-free photo-life with Z 7 back in 2019. I felt Nikon was doing the same thing they already failed at with their system „1“: Always adding more features instead of getting some flaws straight. Expensive lenses, bodies (Z 7 and Z 6) not at the same level of usability and durability like my D850, which feels like the S1R. But the S1R‘s shutter sounds much better… :)

Another thing was bothering me: My dear Sigma lenses could be adapted by FTZ adapter, but the adapter was one of the many rather mediocre designs in the line-up adding to „no battery grip, no fully articulated LCD, display quirks, U1..3 setting quirks and many more. So, before X-Mas 2020 I decided to abandon Nikon and see what I can do with L-mount. Starting with a S5 and it‘s excellent 20-60, adding quickly a couple of Sigma and few Panasonic lenses, S1R, S5II and fp-L, I never looked back to Z-world, sometimes I‘m still using the D850 as it‘s battery life easily outperforms most ML bodies.

Especially the fp-L was a rather full bag of surprises, most of them very pleasant. I designed my own grip with the generous help of Sigma, offering downloads of 3D files, fantastic! I‘m not very interested in videos, far too much work, equipment and knowledge needed before the results look good to me. I prefer telling my stories with a still image. I rented a SL2-S last year and was surprised how easy and intuitive if felt to use it. 2 weeks ago I rented a SL3 and was surprised again, unfortunately to the opposite. Maybe I got a bad copy or it was set-up in a weird way, but that camera I would not accept as a free gift. Plus, the fp-L was in my comparisons always the winner.

Currently I‘m re-writing the fp-L‘s manual. I guess, the content was translated from Japanese to English to German and suffered some damage along the way. Maybe the re-writing will help me to understand the bits which are either poorly translated or were misunderstood by the writers of the first version. If the lenses would be of the quality of the camera manual, I would have stopped buying them after the first one
Welcome Salli!! It is always interesting to read things about the Sigma cameras. Most of us are Lumix users. There are a few of Leica SL users too. Anyway, your experience with Nikon Z shows that the L-mount alliance is really underrated...
Welcome @SoJuJo ! It's great to have you here!
Greetings @SoJuJu!
Not sure if I'm reading it correctly, but going by his? last post, he? may have already left the building. Which would be a bit of a shame
Not sure if I'm reading it correctly, but going by his? last post, he? may have already left the building. Which would be a bit of a shame
Not completely left, but a forum which consists about 50% of rather humungous advertisement of ERP systems, women underwear and Spätzlesuche is not really attractive to me. I have to look really careful to find informations. Now I guess somehow it has to be financed, but that way I doubt I'll ever donate something.

I'm also no longer looking at l-rumors for those reasons. And the other reason is the rumors-forum owner is not exactly a big friend of orthography, and the Lumix owners are also a majority there. And very keen on spectacular video specs, less so about photography related improvements :(. So, maybe I'll remain reading from time to time.

There are also not many fp L users here, more precise German native speakers? I started to rewrite the rather horrible and difficult to use manual and sometimes it would be nice to send some texts to read them more carefully than the technical writers of Sigma did their job. Yes, and I'm a "he" :)
Not completely left, but a forum which consists about 50% of rather humungous advertisement of ERP systems, women underwear and Spätzlesuche is not really attractive to me. I have to look really careful to find informations. Now I guess somehow it has to be financed, but that way I doubt I'll ever donate something.

I'm also no longer looking at l-rumors for those reasons. And the other reason is the rumors-forum owner is not exactly a big friend of orthography, and the Lumix owners are also a majority there. And very keen on spectacular video specs, less so about photography related improvements :(. So, maybe I'll remain reading from time to time.

There are also not many fp L users here, more precise German native speakers? I started to rewrite the rather horrible and difficult to use manual and sometimes it would be nice to send some texts to read them more carefully than the technical writers of Sigma did their job. Yes, and I'm a "he" :)
You are welcome, there are here people from all over Europe, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Asia etc.

About the advertisements: the site costs money to maintain, so I can understand why this is necessary. However you can, just like myself and others, become a Patron and than you never see any advertisements (when logged in).

I DO really like this forum, good information and a friendly atmosphere. I am also member of some other forums, but this one is which a like and use the most.