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News S1Rii - Read all about it!

In that video I found it very interesting, that he thinks that the grip of the S1Rii is for him a lot better than the one in the S5ii.

First time that I hear this.
I have heard that mentioned in a few of the reviews now. Apparently it's a bit deeper.
In that video I found it very interesting, that he thinks that the grip of the S1Rii is for him a lot better than the one in the S5ii.

First time that I hear this.
The minor grip difference has been mentioned in passing in a couple of reviews.
The minor grip difference has been mentioned in passing in a couple of reviews.
Yeah... that kind of thing is why I always try to reserve judgement on ergonomics until I actually hold something in my hands.
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As more reports trickle in, I do think the S1RII is going to be an amazing body that carves out it's own niche in the market. I say that being one of the early skeptics.
I have no need, or want for 44MP, 8K video -or any video for that matter, and even I'm a wee bit tempted by it. Much the same size as my S5 mk1, but supercharged in most other features. 9fps in mechanical shutter is way more than I ever want or need, I do NOT want to come home from the race track and have to sift through 5000+ photos.
The colours coming straight out of the camera look magnificent to me, both in stills and video.
But I do wonder if the alliance will abandon DFD support for new lenses, or only make a token effort to encourage users to move forward. Maybe just worry about it when the time comes Z04 5769