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News S1Rii - Read all about it!

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Surprised that Lumix choose Norway for the S1Rii release. Well, Tromsø is the town in the middle of our planet. Sort of. The new S1Rii is a really exciting pro-thing. Regards, Ermesjo (Norwegian) and a newbee S5iiX user (exit Canon).
Surprised that Lumix choose Norway for the S1Rii release. Well, Tromsø is the town in the middle of our planet. Sort of. The new S1Rii is a really exciting pro-thing. Regards, Ermesjo (Norwegian) and a newbee S5iiX user (exit Canon).
I once had an online photographer friend who invited me there but I'd rather go in the summer. I believe it's the most northern university town in the world and the only one inside the arctic circle.

I'm no longer into travelling, haven't been on a plane since 2016 and that was a photography trip in Tenerife including staying in the Parador hotel up in the volcano crater which is highly recommended for astro and well just being there. The summit and views are literally awesome :)
After watching a view initial reviews I think the S1RII is a great camera. But there is still some room for improvements. For example, I would find some in between frame rates in burst between 10 fps mechanical and 40 fps electronic shutter handy. Especially because the buffer doesn't last long. A 20 fps option would be very useful and easy to implement via software update. Maybe someone with contacts to Panasonic (@Richard Wong ) could tell them.
After watching a view initial reviews I think the S1RII is a great camera. But there is still some room for improvements. For example, I would find some in between frame rates in burst between 10 fps mechanical and 40 fps electronic shutter handy. Especially because the buffer doesn't last long. A 20 fps option would be very useful and easy to implement via software update. Maybe someone with contacts to Panasonic (@Richard Wong ) could tell them.
I imagine they'll bring such out along with continued AF improvements along with S5ii and later G series M43 cameras that use this L2 processor.

30fps in S5ii is rather mental also, 20fps or others could be nice options in that camera also.
I would find some in between frame rates in burst between 10 fps mechanical and 40 fps electronic shutter handy.
This will come in a future update according to one of the youtube reviews. 20fps.