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Petapixel chat on the SL3s and L mount’s future

Gordon Laing does the same reviews, same photos of seagulls and Brighton pier just rinse repeat with different gear doing the usual vanilla tests, and a mention of bokeh etc.

Most YouTubers have a repeat formula so no wonder you're sick of it :p The Ansel Adams documentaries are good to watch. He would love today's gear but his gear got the most skill out of him. He's no whinger either :D
Thanks Oíche.

I've subscribed to a small number of YouTubers and am working through their content. One that I quite like is James Popsys who is based in Wales.
I think if Panasonic release a Halo product, it will be more video oriented. Much like the GH7 in m4/3 land. This is not a bad thing, as a lot of video wants and needs translate very nicely to stills. High dynamic range, low rolling shutter, and so on. Pretty sure Panasonic knows that taking on Canon, Nikon and Sony in sports/wildlife/high speed action type photography is a fool's errand at this stage of the game. I suspect they're using the lower tier product to fund future higher end gear, as well as use it as a bit of a rolling test bed.
I’m going to say a few words of defence for the gear reviewers. I think most are decent people, genuinely trying to analyse and compare the products available. They take different approaches, some technical, some more “experiential”; and some bring more of their own personality and biases to their work than others. But in my view, it takes all types. We need to decide what we listen to and what we don’t.

For me, I think Gordon Laing, Chris Nichols/Jordan Drake, Richard Wong, and Richard Butler are amongst the best. I used to also like Steve Huff, but he’s gone into the HiFi waffle-sphere now. I’ve often found the Northrops just annoying, and Chris Gampat so unpredictable that his views would change seemingly by the minute. But I think they all bring a perspective that’s worth listening to.
I’m going to say a few words of defence for the gear reviewers. I think most are decent people, genuinely trying to analyse and compare the products available. They take different approaches, some technical, some more “experiential”; and some bring more of their own personality and biases to their work than others. But in my view, it takes all types. We need to decide what we listen to and what we don’t.

For me, I think Gordon Laing, Chris Nichols/Jordan Drake, Richard Wong, and Richard Butler are amongst the best. I used to also like Steve Huff, but he’s gone into the HiFi waffle-sphere now. I’ve often found the Northrops just annoying, and Chris Gampat so unpredictable that his views would change seemingly by the minute. But I think they all bring a perspective that’s worth listening to.

Richard Wong's reviews are the gold standard for me. Detailed and precise, honest and objective. I very much appreciate his work.
I agree that the videos of Richard are very good and informative.

I think also that we need more videos like this one about how to use the Lumix AF much better:
