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Just for fun I am posting two versions of the same photo - the first is a Leica Monochrome JPEG and the second is the colour version developed from the RW2 file.
It sounds like Ukraine x1000 here right now. I've never photographed fireworks and they used to be banned here during the conflict/war/troubles as it could be mistaken for gunfire.
All we had back then as kids were indoor fireworks but I loved these as they were little chemistry experiments.
It sounds like Ukraine x1000 here right now. I've never photographed fireworks and they used to be banned here during the conflict/war/troubles as it could be mistaken for gunfire.
All we had back then as kids were indoor fireworks but I loved these as they were little chemistry experiments.
The Leica Monochrome setting is a great addition to Lumix cameras. My go-to in the past was DxO Filmpack's Fuji Acros but the Leica Monochrome has replaced that now, so less PP required!