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Lumix S1Rii from the perspective of a S5ii owner

I was wondering if the AF changes require a faster processor or that they maybe get implanted in the S5ii and S5ii X as well....
I'm not a videographer so I will pass, or if I want higher resolution I might pick up a used S1R. But most of the time when I would want a higher resolution I can use the hand held multiple shot version. The only reason I would want to have a higher resolution sensor is for cropping tele foto's.
I presume it required a faster processor for the more pixels it has to handle.... But the S5ii(X) doesn't have too handle that many pixels so who knows?

I also presume that they have fixed they technical debt, because the S5ii(X), S9 and the GH7 share after an update most of the new features. So we can hope.

I presume that's actually the reason why the S5 and the original S1R got fever updates, the technical debt made it too expensive to add the features.
I presume it required a faster processor for the more pixels it has to handle.... But the S5ii(X) doesn't have too handle that many pixels so who knows?

I also presume that they have fixed they technical debt, because the S5ii(X), S9 and the GH7 share after an update most of the new features. So we can hope.

I presume that's actually the reason why the S5 and the original S1R got fever updates, the technical debt made it too expensive to add the features.
The S5 and S1R both use an older processor engine - the other models use an engine that was completely new and developed under the L2 Technology agreement between Panasonic Leica.

The new architecture is considerably more powerful and I suspect that that’s at play in terms of updates. However, I suspect the collaboration with Leica is going to be a significant factor as a common advantage with that sort of agreement is that companies achieve greater returns on R&D than if working alone.
I really enjoy my S5 II, don't care about video, 24mp is plenty for my use case, including prints up to 16x20 or so (I don't have a museum). If I need more resolution, there are several excellent up-reszng applications available. The software has made the resolution situation irrelevant for me.
I had the chance to take the S1Rii only for a few minutes in my hands.

There were many people at the event and Panasonic offered 2 or 3 units to loan for 1 hour in the different workshops. This is good for the visitors, but bad for me, because the bodies were booked almost the whole day and not available for me :confused:

What I liked compared to my S5ii:

  • Viewfinder. The difference is bigger than I expected it would be.
  • Grip. Slighty deeper and thinner. Overall better for my rather small hands. Sometimes litte things make big differences. But the time was too short to make a final judgement about this.
I could not compare the AF really. I would need more time with the S1Rii, to dig deeper into it.
I had the chance to take the S1Rii only for a few minutes in my hands.

There were many people at the event and Panasonic offered 2 or 3 units to loan for 1 hour in the different workshops. This is good for the visitors, but bad for me, because the bodies were booked almost the whole day and not available for me :confused:

What I liked compared to my S5ii:

  • Viewfinder. The difference is bigger than I expected it would be.
  • Grip. Slighty deeper and thinner. Overall better for my rather small hands. Sometimes litte things make big differences. But the time was too short to make a final judgement about this.
I could not compare the AF really. I would need more time with the S1Rii, to dig deeper into it.
Very interesting, Dirk! Do you see yourself upgrading/changing the S5ii for the S1Rii? Teufel Grinsend Schwanz
Very interesting, Dirk! Do you see yourself upgrading/changing the S5ii for the S1Rii? Teufel Grinsend Schwanz

I do not say anything without my lawyer....
The short answer is: Yes, of course I want to have the S1Rii.

But do I need it? That depends on the individual situation (price aside).

If I would use only L-Mount gear, the answer would be probably yes. But I will sell then my S5ii obviously. I would probably keep the S9 side by side with the S1Rii, to be able to have something smaller. I.e. with this Voigtländer 28/1.5 or 40mm.

But I have atm 3 different systems plus Ricoh GR3/3x and Leica Q3 43.

I have plan my budget and gear aqcuisition for 2025 ahead, depending on what I will need this year for vacation etc. We might go to the Phillipines this summer. I have to think about which gear I can use there. For sure not the Leica. That is too dangerous, deoending on where we are travelling there.

Maybe Ricoh GR3/3x plus L-Mount or alternatively GR3 plus MFT.

For this trip I would need (as always) a small & light telezoom. Not existing in L-Mount atm. Same for 28mm FFL, if I ould like to pick the S9 with me. I still have to test how the S9 goes with the 18-40 zoom regarding aperture.

I wanted to test this yesterday, but there simply was no break in which I could have gone out during this fair.

The Voigtländer lens is very expensive. Plus adapter.

For MFT, I would be probably interested in the Olympus OM1 and the Olympus 12-100/4.0 zoom. But this would cost also a lot. Second hand would be the alternative. OM1 plus the zoom would cost then around 1200-1400€.

This is significantly less than the price tag of the S1Rii. Especially if I take my old EM1.3 instead. And in L-Mount I have still no small & light telezoom. Even if this would be announced soon, I would have to buy it. Will not be cheap neither.

No matter for which gear combination I decide for this trip, it will be expensive. In this situation, it would be smart to wait before spending so much money for a body only as long as I do not know yet, whether I need this summer something else and what will be announced over the next 3 months.
Thanks for sharing! I am glad there is only a 24-105 kit available for the S1Rii, otherwise my lawyer would have had a call already

That said, I’ll probably want one before my longer summer break which will include some birding. And I don’t think there will be offers already two months in…
I am glad there is only a 24-105 kit available for the S1Rii,

This could be interesting, depending on price. With 40MP, you can better use crop mode with 105mm vs. 70mm.

Someone has to test this with his S1R. How much resolution you have left with both zooms, if you want to have a reach of i.e. 150mm or even 200mm.

24-105 @105 vs. 24-70/28-70 @70. Can anyone test this?