The short answer is: Yes, of course I want to have the S1Rii.
But do I need it? That depends on the individual situation (price aside).
If I would use only L-Mount gear, the answer would be probably yes. But I will sell then my S5ii obviously. I would probably keep the S9 side by side with the S1Rii, to be able to have something smaller. I.e. with this Voigtländer 28/1.5 or 40mm.
But I have atm 3 different systems plus Ricoh GR3/3x and Leica Q3 43.
I have plan my budget and gear aqcuisition for 2025 ahead, depending on what I will need this year for vacation etc. We might go to the Phillipines this summer. I have to think about which gear I can use there. For sure not the Leica. That is too dangerous, deoending on where we are travelling there.
Maybe Ricoh GR3/3x plus L-Mount or alternatively GR3 plus MFT.
For this trip I would need (as always) a small & light telezoom. Not existing in L-Mount atm. Same for 28mm FFL, if I ould like to pick the S9 with me. I still have to test how the S9 goes with the 18-40 zoom regarding aperture.
I wanted to test this yesterday, but there simply was no break in which I could have gone out during this fair.
The Voigtländer lens is very expensive. Plus adapter.
For MFT, I would be probably interested in the Olympus OM1 and the Olympus 12-100/4.0 zoom. But this would cost also a lot. Second hand would be the alternative. OM1 plus the zoom would cost then around 1200-1400€.
This is significantly less than the price tag of the S1Rii. Especially if I take my old EM1.3 instead. And in L-Mount I have still no small & light telezoom. Even if this would be announced soon, I would have to buy it. Will not be cheap neither.
No matter for which gear combination I decide for this trip, it will be expensive. In this situation, it would be smart to wait before spending so much money for a body only as long as I do not know yet, whether I need this summer something else and what will be announced over the next 3 months.