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Lumix S 26mm f8 bodycap lens


Well-Known Member
It's a little ripper. I bought one at full retail (I think) -not inherited as part of a kit, and it's been pretty much stuck on my S5 ever since. I really get what Panasonic was up to when they designed it. A tiny, light, simple little lens that's just great fun to use. Without thinking too deeply or seriously about the gear. It turns my S5 into a supercharged phone camera. With an EVF. Not to be taken too seriously.
  • Panasonic - DC-S5
  • LUMIX S 26/F8
  • 26.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/30 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • -0.7
  • ISO 100

  • Panasonic - DC-S5
  • LUMIX S 26/F8
  • 26.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/30 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • -1.3
  • ISO 100
  • Panasonic - DC-S5
  • LUMIX S 26/F8
  • 26.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/160 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • -1.3
  • ISO 100
Even better on an S9. I think I have heard of this thing you call EVF.
Curious as to how it's better. No viewfinder is a no go for me now, after bulk frustrations with a couple of viewfinderless cameras I've owned/still own long term. I even tried shooting for a week using rear screen only on my S5, not happening.
Curious as to how it's better. No viewfinder is a no go for me now, after bulk frustrations with a couple of viewfinderless cameras I've owned/still own long term. I even tried shooting for a week using rear screen only on my S5, not happening.
I agree. Lack of EVF is an absolute deal breaker.