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Lumix S 26mm f8 bodycap lens


Well-Known Member
It's a little ripper. I bought one at full retail (I think) -not inherited as part of a kit, and it's been pretty much stuck on my S5 ever since. I really get what Panasonic was up to when they designed it. A tiny, light, simple little lens that's just great fun to use. Without thinking too deeply or seriously about the gear. It turns my S5 into a supercharged phone camera. With an EVF. Not to be taken too seriously.
  • Panasonic - DC-S5
  • LUMIX S 26/F8
  • 26.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/30 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • -0.7
  • ISO 100

  • Panasonic - DC-S5
  • LUMIX S 26/F8
  • 26.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/30 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • -1.3
  • ISO 100
  • Panasonic - DC-S5
  • LUMIX S 26/F8
  • 26.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/160 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • -1.3
  • ISO 100
Even better on an S9. I think I have heard of this thing you call EVF.
Curious as to how it's better. No viewfinder is a no go for me now, after bulk frustrations with a couple of viewfinderless cameras I've owned/still own long term. I even tried shooting for a week using rear screen only on my S5, not happening.
Curious as to how it's better. No viewfinder is a no go for me now, after bulk frustrations with a couple of viewfinderless cameras I've owned/still own long term. I even tried shooting for a week using rear screen only on my S5, not happening.
I agree. Lack of EVF is an absolute deal breaker.
Curious as to how it's better. No viewfinder is a no go for me now, after bulk frustrations with a couple of viewfinderless cameras I've owned/still own long term. I even tried shooting for a week using rear screen only on my S5, not happening.
I don't pay much attention. I view and frame with the monitor.

A first question is why is the monitor hard to see in bright sunlight? It is NOT because sun is shining on the monitor. The issue is the glass of the monitor is a mirror and it reflects bright things back to you that disrupt looking at the camera display. The worst case is when you are facing the sun; the sun hits your face and body and this reflects off the display. I installed an anti-glare screen on the monitor and that pretty well takes care of that.
I don't pay much attention. I view and frame with the monitor.

A first question is why is the monitor hard to see in bright sunlight? It is NOT because sun is shining on the monitor. The issue is the glass of the monitor is a mirror and it reflects bright things back to you that disrupt looking at the camera display. The worst case is when you are facing the sun; the sun hits your face and body and this reflects off the display. I installed an anti-glare screen on the monitor and that pretty well takes care of that.
Yes, I've found the S9 LCD to be perfectly fine for my use, and I love shooting from the hip with it. It gives me a different approach to framing.
I don't pay much attention. I view and frame with the monitor.

A first question is why is the monitor hard to see in bright sunlight? It is NOT because sun is shining on the monitor. The issue is the glass of the monitor is a mirror and it reflects bright things back to you that disrupt looking at the camera display. The worst case is when you are facing the sun; the sun hits your face and body and this reflects off the display. I installed an anti-glare screen on the monitor and that pretty well takes care of that.
Each to their own. I love shooting ultrawide, & also find it extremely difficult trying to frame shots using the rear screen. I resorted to this. I'd rather a viewfinder. On the subsequent models, Canon saw the error of their ways, and made an optional EVF.
M clearviewerS.jpg
  • Panasonic - DMC-GX8
  • LUMIX G 25/F1.7
  • 25.0 mm
  • ƒ/2.5
  • 1/30 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • ISO 200
M clearviewer2-S.jpg
  • Panasonic - DMC-GX8
  • LUMIX G 25/F1.7
  • 25.0 mm
  • ƒ/2.5
  • 1/40 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • ISO 200
Looks fast sitting still, is fast. Very fast
  • Panasonic - DC-S5
  • 26.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/100 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • -0.3
  • ISO 100
  • Panasonic - DC-S5
  • 26.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/100 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • -0.7
  • ISO 100
  • Panasonic - DC-S5
  • 26.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/80 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • -0.7
  • ISO 100
Markus, if you go on posting such a good photos I will be forced to buy the 26mm f8 hahaha :D

I would like to try it with the 47mpx sensor of the S1R.
If I am not wrong, with the picture size feature you have 3 different picture options:

L size: 46.5 mpx - - - 26mm focal lenght
M size: 23.5 mpx - - - 26mm x 1.4 = 36,4mm focal length

And I am not sure about the focal length of the third one:
S size: 12mpx - - - 26 x 1.4 x 1.4 (?) = 50,96mm focal length, (or
S size: 12mpx - - - 26 x 2.8 (?) = 72,8mm)? Z04 975

I think is the first option: S size - 12mpx - 50,96mm, according to the calculation made by this guy in this video with a 35mm prime lens:

Anyway, I guess this lens is better than the pancake 7Artisans 35mm f5.6 manual focus, and the price of this one in Europe is 113, 95€.

The original price of the lumix 26mm f8 was (and still is in many places in Europe) 240€.

If anyone is interested in this Lens I have found a very good offer (112,64€) in a german Online-Marktplatz:

I understand it is sold new, and Kaufland.de seems to be a serious web.

It is fun to have a bodycap lens that covers a focal length from 26mm to 50mm, which weighs just 58 grams.

I wonder if it is practical for video considering it is sold toghether with the S9, but it is only manual focus.
I wonder if it is practical for video considering it is sold toghether with the S9, but it is only manual focus.
I have the S9 and the 26mm f/8. I've not tried it with video yet but I don't see why manual focus is an issue. Remember it was not so long ago that videographers would only use manual focus, and autofocus was never used. In the last few years tracking has been emphasized, over emphasized, so if we read the internet reviews autofocus is somehow linked to video. Certainly for most of the video I do manual focus is fine, or maybe better.
I can join in that the Lumix 26mm f8 Pancake is a really fun lens. I am using it with a Sigma FP and the combination is really good.
I asked myself the question if I shall get the 7Artisan 35mm f5.6 or the Lumix and I decided for the Lumix mainly because it's wider and the f8 aperture help using is a lens to take shots quite quickly. It takes me perhaps 1 seconds to focus with this lens when having focus peaking active and in 70% of the case infinity is the correct setting.
The image quality is ok to good. I did not try is with the S1R, but I have doubts that it can handle the resolution of the camera.

My two issues with the lens are the following:
- no lens hood or lens cap option + last optical element end flat with the end of the lens. It's obvious that it will collect scratches. This is sad, because it's tempting to put the combination of this lens + a S9 or FP into the pocket of a jacket. I guess in 1-2 years I will need a new lens, because the current one might have to much scratches on the front element.
- no weather sealing
If anyone is interested in this Lens I have found a very good offer (112,64€) in a german Online-Marktplatz:


I understand it is sold new, and Kaufland.de seems to be a serious web.

Be careful with this!
Kaufland normally is a store like Wallmart, Aldi, Cosco, Carrefoure etc... But the website is just a open marketplace using the name. It does not mean that the real seller is serious.
The sellers name is German, but if you click on the imprint of the seller, the seller has a very different name is shall be located at Czech Republic. In addition the seller has zero reviews. I think this is a fake offer!
Be careful with this!
Kaufland normally is a store like Wallmart, Aldi, Cosco, Carrefoure etc... But the website is just a open marketplace using the name. It does not mean that the real seller is serious.
The sellers name is German, but if you click on the imprint of the seller, the seller has a very different name is shall be located at Czech Republic. In addition the seller has zero reviews. I think this is a fake offer!
Thank you, NFec!!

The price is too low to be true :oops:
Markus, if you go on posting such a good photos I will be forced to buy the 26mm f8 hahaha :D
I'll post up some camera jpegs when I get a chance, if you're interested. I'm not doing a lot of PP'ing, so it's not like I'm turning a sow's ear into a silk purse or anything lol lol lol
I'm surprised myself at how nice the images it makes straight out of the camera are. Not sure if there's much variation between lenses, but mine is really quite good. The biggest thing I've found to ensure nice sharp images, is using the punch in focus feature. Don't just rely on focus peaking in the full image, but place the focus box in the appropriate area, punch in, and adjust your focus from there. Even though it's f8, it still requires some care with focus. I've got my S5 set so that a click of the joystick activates this. I'm not sure if this would work in video though, not sure if you can set it up picture in picture so you can still see the whole framing.
I've got my S5 set so that a click of the joystick activates this. I'm not sure if this would work in video though, not sure if you can set it up picture in picture so you can still see the whole framing.
Okay, I had a look & fiddle, it is indeed possible to use the picture in picture focus box for manual focus. That way you can move the focus box wherever you like & have the enlarged view to assist with focusing, while still being able to compose while seeing the whole frame.
Go to the settings tab (the one with the flower/wheel/gear looking icon) go down to MF assist, scroll down to MF assist display, and choose PIP.
I'm actually pretty rapt myself this is possible, makes focusing & composing in manual focus way way way easier.