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Lumix live special

There's not a lot in this upgrade for my use-cases, but I'm super happy that it's arrived. The C2C I'm sure will be a huge benefit for many. I might give it a go, but I'd want to be transferring raw files and I can see that hitting my data plan pretty hard!
With this E-Stabilization (Video) function I think I don't need my gimbal anymore... I am selling it and buy some lens instead
I hope it is as good as the G9II. Looks like the update will be available April 21.
For me the Autofocus, the proxies and the E-stabilazation are the most interesting.

I will stay clear of anything Adobe related, but I do hope they will add options to other cloud options in the future.
With this E-Stabilization (Video) function I think I don't need my gimbal anymore... I am selling it and buy some lens instead Z04 Discosmilie
The extra cropping with this superb stabilisation actually helps me as I'm now interested in videoing birds (the flying variety :D ) at long distance with the 70-300.

Also, would be brilliant for airshows and plane spotters.

I feel like I'm now in a different geologic period to Jurassic old Pentax but I'll not tell them this in their dpreview forum, they already call me Judas Z04 Zeter01Z04 KommmalherfreundchenZ04 Smileys26Z04 Wife
Some excellent albeit short footage on the improved AF from the new firmware from this Aussie's review (BTW he's not an annoying YouTuber :cool: ).

He shows the big improvement on AF stickiness on the tracking human eye difference between previous and new firmware which looks significantly better. Also some animal eye, car and motorcycle realtime footage captured via HDMI (which slowed the AF down previously, not sure if they worked on this also?)

Some excellent albeit short footage on the improved AF from the new firmware from this Aussie's review (BTW he's not an annoying YouTuber :cool: ).
I haven't watch Shane's video yet (downloaded to my phone, along with a few other similar videos), but Shane is definitely not annoying! His videos are usually very solid, informative and fairly neutral.
Some excellent albeit short footage on the improved AF from the new firmware from this Aussie's review (BTW he's not an annoying YouTuber :cool: ).

He shows the big improvement on AF stickiness on the tracking human eye difference between previous and new firmware which looks significantly better. Also some animal eye, car and motorcycle realtime footage captured via HDMI (which slowed the AF down previously, not sure if they worked on this also?)

I'll have to watch this one later - I do notice I miss the eye sometimes and focus is on the eyelash. Pretty stoked if they fixed that.
I think these new updates will be great. I mainly shoot macro as a hobby tog, but I love animals, so the animal eye focus will be great for getting images of my little imperial Shih Tzu. Frame io sounds interesting, I use amazon prime unlimited for my cloud storage but will look at frame io also. Trouble is my original S5 has been relegated to my travel bag (with the 20-60 and 70-300) so it wont work for me away from home......unless......I get another camera :):p
I think these new updates will be great. I mainly shoot macro as a hobby tog, but I love animals, so the animal eye focus will be great for getting images of my little imperial Shih Tzu. Frame io sounds interesting, I use amazon prime unlimited for my cloud storage but will look at frame io also. Trouble is my original S5 has been relegated to my travel bag (with the 20-60 and 70-300) so it wont work for me away from home......unless......I get another camera :):p
The S5ii is a really nice camera ;)
I already have the S5ii, S1 and S5.

My S1 I use for macro mostly as the EVF and Screen are soooooo much better than the S5/S5ii.

My original S5 is now my travel camera having replaced the M43rds stuff I traded to get the S5ii. I used to use the M43rds stuff for holiday / travels but the S5 with the two lens set up (20-60 and 70-300) is better.

But perhaps I need to move the S5 on, make the S5ii my travel camera and buy another lol.
I am waiting for a new high MP body really and that will replace the S1 on macro duty. I got the extended 3 year warranty with the S1 (and a massive discount on it as it was on sale at John Lewis) so I wont get rid of that until 2026 when the warranty expires.
Trying to photograph sheep and lambs today in the rain and heavy cloud. Animal tracking found difficulty with black sheep, lambs (maybe too small and far away) and sheep's arses when they turned away it lost the AF... So looking forward to new firmware.

Pity the rain today stopped the show and I didn't want to change from 24-105 to 70-300 in it those conditions. I did manage a few later of landscape and video and I was worried about the weather sealing as I had a Pentax destroyed one time.
Trying to photograph sheep and lambs today in the rain and heavy cloud. Animal tracking found difficulty with black sheep, lambs (maybe too small and far away) and sheep's arses when they turned away it lost the AF... So looking forward to new firmware.

Pity the rain today stopped the show and I didn't want to change from 24-105 to 70-300 in it those conditions. I did manage a few later of landscape and video and I was worried about the weather sealing as I had a Pentax destroyed one time.
1,5 weeks ago i filmed in heavy rain with my s5iiX , and the 24-105mm F4. Second body was the S5 with 20-60mm

It was during a wedding. The couple and guest fitted exactly under the tent, my camera's did not . But although I did get very wet, my camera's and lenses did very well.

But I'm not a Pro, and see that weddings are not my thing.

But the improved autofocus would have helped a lot i presume.