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Lumix 24-105 f4 Sample Images


This must be the most popular lens in the L-mount system. I absolutely love mine. I think it's a great performer. So here's a shot to kick it off:

Warwick Castle by Paul Kaye, on Flickr
Stunner Paul... Warwick Castle looking beautiful, years since I have visited. The 24-105 is a solid performer for sure.
I really like the focal length, the only thing holding me back is the size of the lens. How do you find it in terms of size, handling and weight when carrying it around for a day?
The 24-105 is my favourite L-mount lens. It has a great focal range for train photography.

How do you find it in terms of size, handling and weight when carrying it around for a day?

I don't have any issues with it. It's definitely beefy but I think balances well on the S5.

Here is one of my recent shots with it.

Steel express at Coota by Peter Watters, on Flickr
I really like the focal length, the only thing holding me back is the size of the lens. How do you find it in terms of size, handling and weight when carrying it around for a day?
I really don’t think it’s an issue. Any 24-105 for FF will be this sort of size - compare it with other lenses from Sony, Canon etc. It’s also not a lot bigger than the Olympus 12-100 for m43, but of course that lens has a bigger range.

But if you want smaller, the Sigma 28-70/2.8 is an option, but it has a much smaller range and no OIS.