I think it is difficult to compare. As you know I was not happy with the "normal" Q3. The 28mm was wider than real 28mm and for the way how I use 28mm, it was too heavy to lift fast. The Ricoh GR3 is better for this way of shooting. So I sold it.
The Leica q3 43 ticks more boxes for me, because with this focal range, I use the cameras differently. I do not need to be as close as with a 28mm and can lift it more to my eyes and stabilze it with two hands. So for this use case you have to compare it with other bodies which have 60MP and a 5.7MP viewfinder plus an excellent 40 or 50mm FFL. That is lifting the price of the alternatives dramatically. If you add to this execllent 60mm and/or 75mm FFL, it becomes even more expensive and heavier. The Q3 43 weights 750g. This is still relative small and light vs. a Sony A7R etc
Still the Q3 43 will be more expensive, of course. Even if it could replace several lenses above 50mm. The proove is in the pudding. Therefore I ordered one and see how it goes. It will arrive on Monday or Tuesday
My head sais: no matter what, this is way too expensive. Do not do this. It would be crazy.

My stomach sais: oh oh, you should not do this, this will not end good...

My curiosity in me whispers to me with a nice femaile voice: come one, give it a try before bashing it...
My curiosity is a real devil in my head
The problem is when you have a hobby and run even communities for it, you end up spending way too much money on this hobby because you spend too much time with gear news and get seduced by the members of your own forums. This is like drugs. Hard to resist. I need more discpline for "in" and "out". For each new item which comes, one has to leave. Easier said than done...