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L-Mount will expand further


Well-Known Member
I don't know in which category, I have to share this. If it's wrong, please move do a better suited one, thank you.

In a joint event from L-Mount members at CP+, the members started that there is interesed of more companies to join and there are already negotiations.

We already know that Viltrox wants to join. Many probably hoping for Tamron, but don't know about if it's realistic. Who else do you want to see in the L-Mount?
Who else do you want to see in the L-Mount?

Basically everybody. L-Mount should follow the same strategy like Sony. Open L-Mount for everybody and they will gain significant more market share.

But remember, Leica is the decision maker here. Leica owns the patent on the mount. If Leica does not want this, nothing will happen.
We already know that Viltrox wants to join. Many probably hoping for Tamron, but don't know about if it's realistic. Who else do you want to see in the L-Mount?
I still haven’t finished the Sigma interview podcast, because slogging through the first half was such a pain. But one thing that did intrigue me was their mention of the lens company Thypoch; looking at some (written!) reviews, they make several lenses that sound interesting. (Including a 28mm for Dirk!) Wonder if they’d be interested in L-mount?
Those new Zeiss lenses would be nice to have in the family.

I am not sure whether the are needed nowadays. The reviews have been very good, but not better than other premium lenses. The new Otus has no AF and costs over 2000 USD.
I am not sure whether the are needed nowadays. The reviews have been very good, but not better than other premium lenses. The new Otus has no AF and costs over 2000 USD.
Perhaps not needed by you, but Zeiss apparently thinks they have customers. They are niche - and they own up to that - but they give a different shooting experience and a different look to the images (presumably mostly wide-open). At least according to them.

Seems to me this is exactly what the L-mount alliance should be about: giving people choices that range from the normal to the sublime. Even ridiculous (like the $5k Leica lenses).
Seems to me this is exactly what the L-mount alliance should be about: giving people choices that range from the normal to the sublime. Even ridiculous (like the $5k Leica lenses).

Yes, the more lens choice the better.
What about Viltrox?

Maybe @dirk would be interested in this PANCAKE 28mm AF lens? ;) For 99 dollars you can use the S9 as a EDC like the GR3...

Yes, please... Z04 Sabber

Now imagine a similar Sigma i-series 28mm in silver for the Sigma BF.... Z04 Smilie Geschenke
But silver looks ugly anyway normal black, with normal 2.0 will suffice for me.

And sure, you are entitled to a silver 28 f8 for your imaginary BF as well Z04 Bier01

I take both versions.... Z04 Flucht
I'm going to have mine gold plated...

z04 dance00
We can ask Sigma to engrave our forum logo on it We did that with Contax/Kyocera for the Contax commninity.

But we do not have a forum logo yet... :eek:
We can ask Sigma to engrave our forum logo on it We did that with Contax/Kyocera for the Contax commninity.

But we do not have a forum logo yet... :eek:
Got something generated....

I wonder if it's technically feasible to build an E-mount to L-mount adapter, as Viltrox did for Z-mount.

That would indeed be interesting.
Z-mount is the largest ff mount… I think adapting smaller lenses to larger mount is a bit easier then the other way around. But I can be mistaken.
I wonder if it's technically feasible to build an E-mount to L-mount adapter, as Viltrox did for Z-mount.

That would indeed be interesting.
The flange distance of E mount is a little bit shorter than L mount and it's only a little bit tighter than L mount. I don't know if impossible, but it's much more difficult than E- to Z-mount, because Z is the shortest and widest of all mirrorless mounts.