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L-Mount will expand further

The flange distance of E mount is a little bit shorter than L mount and it's only a little bit tighter than L mount. I don't know if impossible, but it's much more difficult than E- to Z-mount, because Z is the shortest and widest of all mirrorless mounts.
You are right, I think there is no chance for E-L adapters! It was a bold move from Nikon to make the Z-mount the shortest and widest. So you can adapt nearly anything and you have a lot of options for design. The only drawback is for their APS-C cameras: Huge mount for small cameras…
The only drawback is for their APS-C cameras: Huge mount for small cameras…

And that is killing any future of Nikon APS-C line. Noone will invest in an APSC system, if it is as big as fullframe with other brands. Nikon seems not be interested in APSC anymore. Since around 10 years.
The flange distance of E mount is a little bit shorter than L mount and it's only a little bit tighter than L mount. I don't know if impossible, but it's much more difficult than E- to Z-mount, because Z is the shortest and widest of all mirrorless mounts.
Yes, that's what I seem to recall. The E2Z converter is already quite thin; an E2L might be problematically thin. Perhaps hard to even put a reasonable grip on it? Still, one can hope.