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Your favourite lenses for 2024 - and why

I am also in love with the Sigma Art 85/1.4. I also often use the Sigma 45/2.8.

I also have the Panasonic 35/1.8, but I rarely use it. In 2024 I sold a few lenses that I rarely used (Panasonic 26/8, Panasonic 50/1.8).

I mainly photograph my family and the street. (I am still waiting for a suitable 28mm fixed focal length or will have to buy a zoom for this focal length after all...)
Sigma 100/2.8 sounds nice to me too, but I think it is too short for what I want it to do, and to long for normal use.

A 70-200/2.8 would be my surrogate of a 135 prime, but the weight and price is not up to my ally.

Nice to see that everyone (who still have it) seems to love the 70-300 .