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The LUMIX Lab app needs help!


New Member
As a solo filmmaker who also happens to have a YouTube channel, I often like to use apps like the LUMIX Sync app to control my camera while I'm filming myself. I do this with my YouTube videos as well as my narrative content.

When Panasonic added remote camera control to the LUMIX Lab app, I was happy to see that. Being able to apply LUTs or play with creative looks was a fun idea for me. It allows me to test "looks" etc quickly and where I can easily save my tests.

Unfortunately, the LUMIX Lab app is missing an important feature in the camera controls interface. Namely, a "tap to focus" button on the screen of the app. Because of this, I continue to use the LUMIX Sync app for the times I want to switch to manual focus to simplify my filming or when I'm in various lighting situations where AF may encounter problems. I've attached a screenshot to this post to show how the LUMIX Lab app is missing the "tap to focus" feature that the Sync app has. To be honest, I was rather surprised that this simple - but important - feature was left out of the Lab app. I hope they add it soon.


Apps_Lab-Sync forum.png
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It actually has that feature. But it seems to be a big buggy as i can't get it to work all the time last time i tried it.

The new Lumix Flow app also has the same feature. but that app is designed for video shooters.
Where is the tap to focus feature in LUMIX Lab? I don’t see it anywhere on the interface or in menus. I’ve tapped on the screen to no effect. I also don’t see it in the Flow app. Can you share a screenshot of where it is in the Lab and Flow app?
Much appreciated.
I returned the S1RII to Panasonic so can't show you how it works in the Flow app
But with the Lumix lab, you just tap it and it works. However it doesn't seem to work in all-area AF mode. Other AF mode like 1-Area, zone would work


This is a screenshot from the normal version of Lumix Lab (iOS) available on AppStore. You can see the small white markers that's where i tapped on the screen.