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St Conan's Kirk, Argyll, Scotland


St Conan's Kirk is an amazing church building nestling on the banks of Loch Awe in Argyll, Scotland. You can read more about it here:

Here are a few shots I took of it during a recent trip to the area. All are with the Panasonic S1R plus either the 24-105 or the 14-28.

St Conan's Kirk by Paul Kaye, on Flickr

St Conan's Kirk by Paul Kaye, on Flickr

St Conan's Kirk Interior by Paul Kaye, on Flickr

St Conan's Kirk Interior by Paul Kaye, on Flickr

St Conan's Kirk Interior by Paul Kaye, on Flickr
Great photos Paul. I really like that fourth shot!
Beautiful, it's not that old either.

They don't make 'em like that no more!
Just incredible! Very nice light. Just before sunset ?