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Some photos with my S5


Wow, these are looking really good! Coolphotos1

I never thought about the TTArtisan 11mm fisheye. Normally, I am not a wideangle guy. But your images make me curious...
Wow, these are looking really good! Coolphotos1

I never thought about the TTArtisan 11mm fisheye. Normally, I am not a wideangle guy. But your images make me curious...
It's a very good lens IMHO. Which is a good thing since, as far as I know, it's the only native FE lens for L-mount! It seems very well made with a metal barrel and nicely damped focus and aperture rings. It performs very well, being sharp corner to corner by f5.6. At f8, it's as good as any of the Lumix lenses I have. Sunstars are great with it:

Waiting for the Trolls by Paul Kaye, on Flickr

Another Day's Images Spent by Paul Kaye, on Flickr
Nice shots!

The Twisted Tree one is especially interesting for me as I like to take shots like this but usually they turn very monotonous and dull as there is no drawing light present in the forest. You did a good job postprocessing it!
Paul, fabulous images.. they all sing!!! My favourite is Twisted Tree on Castle Hill because I feel it's a scene I have probably encountered many times without the skills to capture as you have!