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News Sigma BF

IMHO Sigma does NOT want to get misinterpreted with the BF. It is a camera for stylish ex-smartphone users, not for photographers, not for content creators. Video feature are nice to have but no signal in that direction.
I should also note the road of companies trying to appeal to smartphone users, with cameras that have a simplified interface and stylish body designs, is long and littered with corpses. This has not been a successful field.

Similar to the Fuji X100 vi. Nobody would think of this camera as a camera for hybrid shooters.
Except the X100 series is kind of the anthesis of the BF - designed unapologetically for photography enthusiasts, styled after classic film cameras with a strong emphasis on manual controls. Even to the extent of mimicking their use of shutter speed dial and aperture ring, instead of the exposure control dial modern digital cameras use. The exact opposite of a streamlined UI centered on a large touchscreen and a few haptic buttons.
I think it's elegant and beautiful. As for the shooting experience, they are taking a risk there. Hopefully the UX was developed in an agile fashion, with lots of user testing and iteration occuring during the evolution of the design.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's "law of design" states that "a design isn't finished until there is nothing left to remove." It seems to me that's exactly what Sigma has followed here. If it works, it will be brilliant. But there will be people who think it went to far. And for some of us, I'm sure that's true. But for the rest, it could very well be a revelation.

I'm somewhat stunned, actually, and I could easily count myself in that later group. Although I don't ever see it replacing a traditional camera.
I do not know whether the usability of the Sigma BF is very good or whether it is easy to hold. I need to check this out in a store, before I am able to judge it.

Even if reviewers tell us their experience, this is very (too) subjective.

But I am excited about the Sigma BF, the idea behind it, the design and the possibility for all of us to have so many different choices for different needs in L-Mount. Does Nikon or Canon or Sony has this choice? No.

I will try the Sigma BF for myself, once it is available at a store, compare it with my Lumix S9, just to be able to get my personal opinion about it.
It’s a pretty darn sexy camera. I’m glad Sigma has the cajones to release quirky cameras like this. It is fun.
Just watch, Leica will release a version of this for $6000.
Leica introduced the first version of this 11 years ago at £1350
Leica introduced the first version of this 11 years ago at £1350

You mean the Leica T (701)?

A beautiful camera, but it was a APS-C sensor, had dials, a card slot, contrast AF etc.

T-Size was 134 x 69 x 33 mm
Sigma BF: 130 x 73 x 37 mm


erez (1).jpg
I do own a Sigma FP as a small and compact alternative (incl. compact lenses) to my bigger Panasonic. Bought the camera 2nd hand because I wanted to convert it to a full spectrum, but after I used is a little bit, I was not able to convert it. The camera is so nice. The colors are great (I really like the build-in jpeg colors) and the overall feel of the body is in my opinion really good. My first Sigma camera and I am more them impressed. To me the build and material used feels much better then what Panasonic used for the S1 for example.
I hope for Sigma that they found a special market which will result in great sales, because they really deserve it.
Very exciting! I have been hoping for a minimalist digital camera for years, this may be it. Sick and tired to thousands of menus, dials, etc.
Funny: it has a fully functional touchscreen, but no video I've watched actually shows anyone touch it. I suppose that isn't innovative or stylish..
but no video I've watched actually shows anyone touch it.

I have not seen any video in which soneone uses the camera at all. As far as I understood it, the reviewers got the camera only this morning. Those 2 reviewers I have seen basically only announced in their hotel room, that they got their camera and will test it later.

They need to go out and use it first to make a video on how to use it ;)
When you look at this it really needs proper pancakes 26mm f8 size. This shows just how thin it is, just remember that in DSLRs the registration distance alone was bigger :cool:

I've got to demo it when it arrives in local shop.1000024250.jpg
If this camera is intended to be a hybrid EDC camera, in that case I find IBIS or some kind of electronic stabilization (like in the Lumix G100) very important, because you do not carry everywhere with you a gimbal... For photography the lack of IBIS is not that dramatic, but for video is really convenient.
The Bf has electronic stabilization for video.

I don't think you can use it only with the right hand without a grip

What kind of strange eye-AF test was this? Z04 Pirat

Regarding one handed operation: I do not know. My Ricoh GR is easy to operate with only one hand, but it has wheels and a better formed body for this on the front. We have to see whether the BF material is slippery etc. The GR3 weights only around 255g. This helps also with one handed operation.

The BF body looks soooo thin...

Sigma needs smaller lenses for the BF..Even smaller than all current i-series lenses.

I am really curious what kind of lenses Sigma will announce in 2025, which fit the BF.
I think you should applaud Sigma for making a piece of art, like a Leica which can be used for photography too. I’m also a function over style type person, but that doesn’t mean I can see the beauty in it. Saying that it is only missing a Leica logo is a huge compliment.

Would I buy one? No. Because it doesn’t do anything better then my S5ii. Do I like it?, sure do! Do I care who it is for? Not a chance.