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Rumors Sigma 50mm f/1.2 DG DN Art


Sigma seems to announce soon (26.3.2024) a Sigma 50mm f/1.2 DG DN Art according to rumor sites.

77mm filter size and price below the price tag of the Sony FE 50mm f/1.2 GM.
This weekend I almost purchased the 50mm/1.4 pro from Panasonic for a good deal. I didn't because it's to close to my 50mm/1.8 and to heavy for casual use. If the Sigma is more light weight and cheaper compared to the Panasonic Pro, it would be very welcome to me.
I own the Lumix 50mm 1.4 PRO and is a beast in weight and size but also in performance.

For the moment I will stay with the Lumix but the new Sigma 1.2 is a very interesting option.

The Lumix 50mm 1.8 is also very good. I see it now more useful for video next to the other 1.8 primes. But it is so good that Leica made a similar 50mm f2 almost identical in the optical formula (and the price is 4 times the price of the Lumix 1.8).
if the Sigma is more light weight and cheaper compared to the Panasonic Pro

I doubt it. As a F1.2 lens, it must be pretty big and heavy with a lot of glass. 77mm filter size is not small. But prices of the 50/1.4 DG DN Art might decrease as soon a the 50/1.2 DG DN Art is out. Depends on the price of the F1.2 :eek:

The 50/1.2 is a prestige lens for sure. Similar to the Sigma 35/1.2, which has a filter site of 82mm, weights around 1kg and costs around 1.500€. The image quality and build quality will be the focus with F1.2 Art lenses. I do not expect therefore something very small nor light weight nor cheap.

What a pitty, still no 28mm... Z02 Zek
I doubt it. As a F1.2 lens, it must be pretty big and heavy with a lot of glass. 77mm filter size is not small. But prices of the 50/1.4 DG DN Art might decrease as soon a the 50/1.2 DG DN Art is out. Depends on the price of the F1.2 :eek:


According to rumours, the Sigma 50/1.2 will be lighter than the Sony 50/1.2, which is very close to the Sigma 50/1.4 DG DN what also the Sigma 50mm/1.2 will be according to rumours. And we all know, the Panasonic Lumix S pro 50mm f1.4 is a heavy beast.

For comparison:

Panasonic Lumix S PRO 50mm 1.4
77mm Filters
90x130mm (ØxL)

Sony FE 50mm 1.2 GM
72mm Filters
87x108mm (ØxL)

Sigma Art 50mm 1.4 DG DN
72mm Filters
78.2x109.5mm (ØxL)

I think about 750 go for the Sigma 50/1.2 could be true. That would be 200 g, or about 20 %, less than the Panasonic s Pro.

A small correction. The Sigma 50/1.2 will get a 72mm filter thread, like the Sony 50/1.2 and like the 50/1.4 from Sigma. It is said to look almost identical to the Sigma 50/1.4 DG DN.

So maybe we will get a 50mm f1.2 in size and weight of a 50mm F1.4.

From the source:
Sigma 50mm f/1.2 lens specs:

100g lighter and more compact than the Sony 50mm f/1.2 GM
The size and chassis is about the same of that of the Sigma 50mm f/1.4.
72mm filter size
The lens aperture has 13 blades (50mm f1.2 GM got 11 only)
More affordable than the Sony
Comes for Sony E and Leica L
Announcement on March 26 at 21 Tokyo time (that’s 13:00 in Berlin and 8:0 New York time)

100 go less means about the same weight as the 50mm F1.4.
740g for a 50mm f1.2 is pretty impressive! But if I were going to buy a very fast prime, it would be the Sigma 35mm f1.2.
I'm more a 50th guy. Besides I didn't use it that often nowadays, it's the focal length I made some of my best pictures with. Back in analog days, a Canon AE-1 with a 50mm/1.8 and a 135mm/3.5 where everything I took with me most of the time.

That's also why I'm thinking to upgrade my 50/1.8. Also though on the 35/1.2. But that is a gigantic beast. And while I love to use my 35/2 I-Series, I'm more happy with my 50mm results.
I'm more a 50th guy. Besides I didn't use it that often nowadays, it's the focal length I made some of my best pictures with. Back in analog days, a Canon AE-1 with a 50mm/1.8 and a 135mm/3.5 where everything I took with me most of the time.

That's also why I'm thinking to upgrade my 50/1.8. Also though on the 35/1.2. But that is a gigantic beast. And while I love to use my 35/2 I-Series, I'm more happy with my 50mm results.
It's funny how you can divide photographers into two camps where it comes to standard prime lenses - the 50mm crowd, and the 35mm crowd. I'm definitely in the 35mm group! But I do have a 50mm too. The Lumix 50mm f1.8 is a very good lens, and remarkable value for money on the used market.
I own the Lumix 50mm 1.4 PRO and is a beast in weight and size but also in performance.

For the moment I will stay with the Lumix but the new Sigma 1.2 is a very interesting option.

The Lumix 50mm 1.8 is also very good. I see it now more useful for video next to the other 1.8 primes. But it is so good that Leica made a similar 50mm f2 almost identical in the optical formula (and the price is 4 times the price of the Lumix 1.8).
I'm trying to resist buying a Lumix 50mm f1.8 as you can basically buy them open box for under £200 as people got them in a kit and some don't want it. But you and Jonathon both say it is rather brilliant.

I've a few more Pentax lenses I could sell to pay but there are so many others are nice also. A day out only with a prime can be good forcing one to compose with the FFL. A fast 50 is nice for astro landscapes too as it gathers lots of light, the f1.2 would be good for this. Astro landscapes don't need to be UWA.

You can buy Chinese 50 f0.95 lenses but the Sigma f1.2 will be leaps ahead in image quality and corrected for sharpness across the frame.

There is a deluge of lenses pouring into L-mount, it's bad if you are rich and have LBA but coming from Pentax it is great to be here. :)
It's funny how you can divide photographers into two camps where it comes to standard prime lenses - the 50mm crowd, and the 35mm crowd. I'm definitely in the 35mm group! But I do have a 50mm too. The Lumix 50mm f1.8 is a very good lens, and remarkable value for money on the used market.
On previous APSC I liked 28-35mm so now I suppose I deserve a fast 50mm which was too telephoto most times at eq. 75mm.

One time I owned 7x 28mm and 2x 35mm primes. Dirk is right about this LBA spreading forum but which forum isn't? I'm going to have to get a Lumix 50mm f1.8 soon and it'll motivate me to sell a few more lenses, they're not going to be used much if at all and I don't like hoarding gear regardless.
It's funny how you can divide photographers into two camps where it comes to standard prime lenses - the 50mm crowd, and the 35mm crowd. I'm definitely in the 35mm group! But I do have a 50mm too. The Lumix 50mm f1.8 is a very good lens, and remarkable value for money on the used market.
That is the reason why I love the Sigma 1.4/40! Best of both worlds and the best lens I ever owned. Only the size and weight is also from another world, this beast is a tank…
The Sigma 1.4 DG DN is around 1000€, the Sony GM 1.2 around 2000€. So I expect the new Sigma 1.2/50 in the 1500€ range. They need a difference to both sides…
Actually there are offers for the Pany 1.4/50 in the 1400-1500€ range in Germany. Will be an interesting comparison
I'm surprised to see another fifty so soon after the f/2 and f/1.4. It'll doubtless be too big, heavy and expensive for me but I'm sure it'll perform well.

Still waiting for 28mm, 40mm and 135mm, Sigma...
I use the 28, 40 and 135 Art from Sigma for my S1R and these are some of the best lenses I ever used. Yes, these monsters are big, heavy and the AF is not the fastest, but the results with the S1R are awesome. In terms of picture quality I think there is nothing better available. If you then look at the last price of the 28 and 40, these lenses are no brainer in terms of quality for the money…
I use the 28, 40 and 135 Art from Sigma for my S1R and these are some of the best lenses I ever used. Yes, these monsters are big, heavy and the AF is not the fastest, but the results with the S1R are awesome. In terms of picture quality I think there is nothing better available. If you then look at the last price of the 28 and 40, these lenses are no brainer in terms of quality for the money…
Unfortunately these are all DSLR lenses with an adapter built into them, which makes them bigger and heavier than what is needed for a mirrorless camera. Personally I refuse to buy such lenses as they're not really native to the L mount. Sigma should hurry up and get their modern replacements on the market.
Unfortunately these are all DSLR lenses with an adapter built into them, which makes them bigger and heavier than what is needed for a mirrorless camera. Personally I refuse to buy such lenses as they're not really native to the L mount. Sigma should hurry up and get their modern replacements on the market.
Maybe these are not native mirrorless, but the results are stunning and I expect newer versions to be much more expensive. Therefore I can wait and see if any replacement (when available) will be worth the update. I did not update my 1.4/50 HSM to the new DGDN, because the difference was not big enough for me. Now with the coming 1,2/50 this could be different…