I watched the japanese video linked in the first posting. Not easy with the speed of the translation. I have a headache now
Kazuto Yamaki said that he is/was concerned with the future of the industry, because people use smartphones more and more and some people doubt that there will be the need for cameras and lenses in the future.
As I said in another posting, Sigma is family owned and for Kazuto Yamaki the future of his company and his employees is more important for him than for any kind of normal CEO, who would just move to another company, if it is getting difficult. That is a mixture of personality and japanese culture. A very positive thing.
It seems that there were discussions/thoughts about going public at Sigma. But he does not want to, because then only numbers are important and people get influence on the direction of the company, which might be not in line with the heritage of his father and the idea of Sigma.
Therefore he decided that Sigma stays a private company. These are very good news for all of us, in my view. The idea of the new logo etc is to underline the strategy to develop top notch products only. Like a second step after the introduction of Art, Sport and Contempory lines years ago, which was (in my view) the first step away from a "cheaper" zoom lens company.
Then he explains the history and purpose of the Sigma BF. Parts of that was already explained in the Petapixel interview.
After that he sais that Foveon will still take time, probably not in 2025, but he is still committed to it. The main reason for the delay is that they try to find a sensor structure, which they are able to mass produce. This is not possible with the old Quattro design. But they still make progress and cooperate with a japanese professor for it.
At the end he talks about the Art series. He sais that he is not allowed to say too much, otherwise the marketing department will be mad at him. But there will be several new Art lenses coming and the only one he can talk today of is tgis new 35/1.2 DG2 Art. Smaller & lighter than the previous version AND better in terms of image quality.
I love this man! I met him only twice, but he is really impressive. I wish there would be more CEOs like him. Not only in the photo industry.
We can be really happy that he founded with Leica and Panasonic the L-Mount alliance.