normally these high aperture teles are not for birders. They prefer lighter equipment with even longer focal range. Must be usable handheld…Not my sort of lens, but for those who shoot little birdies, I’m sure this will be the biz! With the specs predicted on the S1R, for around $10k you’d have quite a decent setup!
Yip, my small birding entry above was a satire, it is 4.5m minimum focal at 600mm which is not the most ideal but still OK.normally these high aperture teles are not for birders. They prefer lighter equipment with even longer focal range. Must be usable handheld…
These f4/600 are more for classic sports and wildlife. Used from tripod, maybe in a hide…
The idea that landscapes are necessary with UWA or WA is nonsense, a parroted thought. It is wonderful with longer focal length.
Yip, I learned this from zooming and pixel peeping in the early days. In general UWA unless you are close up makes anything uninteresting, featureless too small, irrelevant, and includes 80% of further irrelevant skies and foreground, unless they too are relevant. The 'get more in' terrible advice!Yes, landscapes can be anything from ultra-wide to long telephoto. Many ultra-wide landscapes would have been better composed at longer focal lengths.
I was thinking the same thing as I always consider astro use when considering buying equipment. Obviously you need a serious mount for this which you probably already own. 300-600 f4 has serious light gathering capability along with stacking by a skilled user magnificent images can be produced.I could almost make a case for this lens in astrophotography, except most decent 600mm apochromatic telescopes would be considerably cheaper, albeit slower. But having a slow lens/scope isn't much of a hindrance when you're already shooting 5-minute exposures.
On the other hand, being able to vary the focal length (provided its got a functional zoom lock) could be advantageous, depending on the target you're shooting.
Sky-Watcher Wave 150i strain-wave mount; 25kg capacity. No problem.Obviously you need a serious mount for this which you probably already own.
I think this is a phase in each photographer- we get an UWA, shoot an expansive landscape and marvel at the view and to having all visible in one picture.Yip, I learned this from zooming and pixel peeping in the early days. In general UWA unless you are close up makes anything uninteresting, featureless too small, irrelevant, and includes 80% of further irrelevant skies and foreground, unless they too are relevant. The 'get more in' terrible advice!
Unfortunately this UWA advice still exists purported by some ever-lasting noobs and most beginners seemingly follow, also some never see it. You see it everywhere... need 14mm etc. for landscape... But if they have any hope or scope and analyse what they are producing they are going to self-learn.
This is why you look at Ansel and others and not some random geezers on forums parroting parrots.
No. No you don't. You look at photos that interest you, it doesn't matter who they're taken by. I'd much rather look at photos shot by Alfred Palmer than Ansel Adams any day of the week.This is why you look at Ansel and others and not some random geezers on forums parroting parrots.