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It really is a beast at 4kg, you'd have Popeye arms after using this handheld on a regular basis.
It would be amazing for video obviously using a tripod. It would be Planet Earth UHD stuff and the zoom is much more versatile than the 600mm f4 prime.
Canon and Nikon users are a bit peaved LoL and now L-mount has a top notch sports telephoto zoom and f4. There has been loads of moaning up to now about this void so lets see if they buy it, probably not even with the insane value... the whingers
Should be reviews of it in a few days time and hopefully downloadable RAWs. Hopefully a good photographer is providing samples, test charts are mehhhhh on their own for such a lens . You want to see colours, renders, bokeh and 3D pop along with the generic stuff.
Not my sort of lens, but for those who shoot little birdies, I’m sure this will be the biz! With the specs predicted on the S1R, for around $10k you’d have quite a decent setup!