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Sigma 15mm f/1.4 fisheye on the way?


So, rumours out there (e.g. Sony Alpha Rumors site) of a 15mm f/1.4 fisheye lens arriving soon. I love my Olympus 8mm f/1.8 fisheye on MFT, but this sounds tempting! Start taking bets on weight and price…
Ohh - an AF, EXIF-linked fisheye would get my interest, esp if it were f1.4. I have the TTArtisan 11mm f2.8 FE which is good, but I really would like something with AF and EXIF.

  • Panasonic - DC-S5
  • TTArtisan 11mm f2.8 Fisheye
  • 11.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/10 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto bracket
  • -3
  • ISO 100

Bridge over the Grand Union Canal by Paul Kaye, on Flickr
So, rumours out there (e.g. Sony Alpha Rumors site) of a 15mm f/1.4 fisheye lens arriving soon. I love my Olympus 8mm f/1.8 fisheye on MFT, but this sounds tempting! Start taking bets on weight and price…

15mm is not easy, but I would love to experiment with it. Depending on the price.
Ah, ok, I re-checked. I did not realize in the hurry that this is an F1.4 lens. Wow!

This is the perfect tool for astrophotography.

As far as I know, there is no brand which is offering something similar with F1.4 The price tag for this lens is in my view for this construction fair and as long as you can not have something similar with any other brand, we could call it in marketing words "the cheapest astro 15mm fisheye with F1.4" :)

I think we see here again the benefit of the L-Mount alliance. Sigma seems to be the partner who really tries many new things in a different way. I am glad that Sigma is one of the L-Mount founding partners.

Here is a video about the lens:

This seems like the most niche lens Sigma has produced for FF mirrorless by far. I wonder how many people will really be interested in it given it's specialised nature, size and cost.
This seems like the most niche lens Sigma has produced for FF mirrorless by far. I wonder how many people will really be interested in it given it's specialised nature, size and cost.

Phototrend interviewed Kazuto Yamaki at CP+:

Quote from the interview:
Several years ago, astrophotographers asked us for a lens combining fisheye and a very bright aperture in order to be able to capture as many stars as possible.
We know that demand for this lens will be limited. But I want Sigma to be a leading optical company. And as a leader, we had to have such a specific objective.