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News Samyang AF 35-150 mm f/2-2,8


Well-Known Member
It's needed some time since they joined the alliance, but Samyang released the AF 35-150 mm f/2-2,8 on the CP+ without much fuss.

The article is in French, but google translate will help you.
It's needed some time since they joined the alliance, but Samyang released the AF 35-150 mm f/2-2,8 on the CP+ without much fuss.

The article is in French, but google translate will help you.

That are great news!

Here the Google translation:

CP+ 2024: Samyang launches on the L mount with its AF 35-150 mm f/2-2.8 L zoom​

Samyang arrives on the L mount . Almost on the sly, the Korean manufacturer unveils at CP+ 2024 an L-mount version of its Samyang AF 35-150 mm f/2-2.8 zoom , launched almost a year ago in Sony E mount. Good news for users of a Panasonic, Leica or Sigma hybrid .

The CP+ 2024 show has just opened its doors in Yokohama. Among the new products presented exclusively (the famous world premieres), Samyang announces its first L-mount lens – which is none other than its Samyang AF 35-150 mm f/2-2.8 zoom .

For this first step into this new market, the South Korean therefore chooses one of the most emblematic lenses in its catalog , capable of replacing no less than 5 fixed focal lengths for subjects ranging from portrait to landscape.

For the moment, no information regarding the availability and price of this new version has been indicated by the brand. The technical sheet is strictly identical to the E-mount version, with an optical formula in 21 elements divided into 18 groups , including 2 aspherical lenses, 6 ED lenses, 3 HR lenses and 1 HB lens.

The gradual widening of the L frame​

For the record, Samyang joined the L-Mount Alliance in July 2023 . Notable point, this is the first incursion of a “third party” manufacturer on the L frame , which was until now closed to other opticians. In this respect, it should be noted that Samyang's 35-150 mm is careful not to compete head-on with proposals from Sigma, Leica or Panasonic.

However, it is more than likely that Samyang will decline most of its flagship E-mount lenses towards the L-mount, like the Tiny Series lenses ( Samyang AF 24 mm f/2.8 FE , AF 35 mm f/2.8 FE or AF 75mm f/1.8 , among other references).

In any case, this gradual expansion of the L ecosystem to manufacturers other than the original trio (Samyang, but also Blackmagic or DJI) is a positive signal for photographers and videographers, who will have more options for their work.

Finally, note that the number of “closed” hybrid mounts is shrinking – with the notable exception of Canon , whose RF mount is only open to a very limited number of partners.



In Germany it costs for the E-mount around 1049€ incl. taxes.

35-135/2.0-2.8 is a very interesting focal range in my view. Tamron offers an almost same lens by the way. But is heavy and big (the Tamron too by the way).

Filter thread 82 mm
Dimensions 93x157 mm
Total length 157 mm
Diameter 93 mm
Weight (incl. battery and memory card) 1224 g

The reviews for the Samyang E-mount version have been very good as far as I remember.

According to the French magazine, the Tamron version is optically slightly better, but costs around 600€ more than the Samyang and is not available for L-Mount. Weight and size are both the same.
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Probably first all AF lenses of Samyang.

Unfortunately, even Samyang has no 28mm lens. Neither with AF nor without. Z04 Motzer

It is time that Voigtlander joins the L-Mount alliance Z04 Essen
Where does the battery and memory card fit in?

I already have a Samyang to use, the 14mm f2.8 adapted from Pentax K.
Not the first lens I'd have asked for from Samyang but at least it'll be unique in the system. It replaces other lenses in it's focal range only on paper as the huge size means it could never replace a 35/2, for example, as a relatively compact walk-about lens or for street or environmental portraits.

The 135/1.8 remains the one I'd be most interested in, with the 35/2.8 probably in second place.

The translated article seems to suggest that the rest of the L-mount partners are limiting the lenses that they will allow Samyang to produce for the mount - is that true, conjecture from the writer or a translation error?

Any idea of when these new lenses will start to be available?
I would live to have this lens! Back when I was using Nikon crop cameras I used Sigma 50-100/1.8 - a great lens! I think this one would be no less... But did anyone saw ac actual selling lens anywhere? I thought it is not yet released, they just brought a preproduction sample to CP+...
It's been announced, the only one so far, but to my knowledge there has been no release date given.
Not the first lens I'd have asked for from Samyang but at least it'll be unique in the system. It replaces other lenses in it's focal range only on paper as the huge size means it could never replace a 35/2, for example, as a relatively compact walk-about lens or for street or environmental portraits.

The 135/1.8 remains the one I'd be most interested in, with the 35/2.8 probably in second place.

The translated article seems to suggest that the rest of the L-mount partners are limiting the lenses that they will allow Samyang to produce for the mount - is that true, conjecture from the writer or a translation error?

Any idea of when these new lenses will start to be available?
If you look for a great 135 then the Sigma Art 1.8/135 is still an option! I bought this lens together with my S1R in 2020 and it gave me phantistic results. It is a tank, big and heavy, but the the results are awesome...


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I would already be happy with a cheaper, smaller and lighter classical 2.5 or 2.8 version., if good wide open. But no l-mount manufacturer have something like that in their lineup.
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A 2.8/135 iSeries in small and lightweight would be something I would additional consider to buy. For normal use the 1.8 is too much…

The 2.8/90 and the 2.8/100M are great options, but something comparable in size and weight just with longer focal length would be great!
I would prefer a more compact f/2.8 version otherwise it'll be too big for travel, which would be one of my main use cases.

I don't doubt that many (or all?) of the older Sigma Art SLR lenses adapted to mirrorless give great image quality, but I know I'd be kicking myself if I bought one and a year or two later a DG DN version came out. Not only because it'd be bigger and heavier than necessary but because the existence of a DG DN version would drastically reduce the used value of the older one.
This is
I would prefer a more compact f/2.8 version otherwise it'll be too big for travel, which would be one of my main use cases.

I don't doubt that many (or all?) of the older Sigma Art SLR lenses adapted to mirrorless give great image quality, but I know I'd be kicking myself if I bought one and a year or two later a DG DN version came out. Not only because it'd be bigger and heavier than necessary but because the existence of a DG DN version would drastically reduce the used value of the older one.
This is an argument I can understand. I bought also the 1.4/50HSM (the old DSLR version) and this lens has now 3 modern DGDN options as replacement: The 2.0 iSeries, the 1.4 Art and brand-new the 1.2 Art.All including the 1.2 are smaller and more lightweight, even better. But on the other side the new lenses are also getting more expensive and you only loose money if you sell...

I think Sigma primary replaced the not so good or biggest Art version first, where they can present the biggest differences on one side or the other. Now I expect not so big differences anymore, especially in quality. And as said, the new lenses won't get cheap!
I just checked but on the Samyang Website the lens is still only listed as a Sony E mount version.

No hint for the L-Mount. Neither on the German website, nor on the English website.