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News Samyang 35-150 f2-f2.8


Looks like it's coming soon!



That's 2 new L-mount lenses appearing in Wex UK in 2 days. What a contrast :p to my old Pentax system, the amount of new gear since I joined this year is staggering.

I wonder what the AF performance is like as I see linear 'stepping motor', I suppose you could find out from Sony forums as they have had it for some time I think. I was thinking sports application so AF would be essential.

Description says optimised for video which requires fast AF hence why my question about stepping (STM) motor.
It is available also from Walser:

1450 EUR, 17 June.
Just looked at the specs... it's beefy!
It's now also in preorder in the Netherlands, for about 100,- Euro more than the E-mount version, and shipping mid-july.

BUT the E-mount version has a rebate of about 200,- EURO till the end of august, and I do wonder if you would get the same rebate for the L-mount version, it doesn't like it, making the difference 300 euro!

Not that I would buy this lens, much to heavy for my use, I'm happy with the 28-200

I seen reviews of the AF and it's not the best (for sports if you have this in mind).

No I.S either which I come to love and needed yesterday getting buffeted by high winds up the mountain.

£205 GBP cheaper in Sony mount too in UK. Few here show much interest in it, there is so much choice and new L-mount lenses recently released.

I have a Samyang, the 14mm f2.8 adapted K mount. A cheap way to get a fast UWA buying used and adapt it. I must try it with video.
Here is a nice review:

Not a lens for me, much to heavy, and just look at the size of that thing.... Especially compared to the 28-200 (he shows them side-to-side)
Here is a nice review:

Not a lens for me, much to heavy, and just look at the size of that thing.... Especially compared to the 28-200 (he shows them side-to-side)

Great review but when he did a live demo of the AF it seemed to lag behind him quite a bit...

I will hold off until I see more results with the S5 II.
Great review but when he did a live demo of the AF it seemed to lag behind him quite a bit...
Also it is a beast and I don't like beasts. Despite the size it has no I.O.S and I love it since switching to Lumix, it is a godsend for compositioning and in very windy situations up in mountains being when being blasted. The dual I.S plus electronic stability gives seriously impressive eq 630mm video with 300mm in c4k so it is a must above faster aperture for me.

I prefer my 24-105 f4 and you get the impessive 0.5x macro, I like the 0.5x on the 70-300 f4.5-5.6 even more and love the bokeh and O.I.S in both. I've never wanted more blown out backgrounds yet and maybe only once I've wanted a faster than f5.6 birding with 300mm in dark conditions... But a 300mm f4 or f2.8 is an entirely different story and price point that don't even exist yet.

Thinking about this, it was close birding and a flash would have worked and I've been looking at the Godox 860iii. Many have forgotten about flash photography but it is great, a requirement for any backlit portraits and I typically used it at f11 in cycle racing for darkening backgrounds and highlighting the riders which you will see still see today in pro cycling photography.

Many instances of needing fastest aperture lenses have not existed for years now, the S5ii still detected and tracked my blackbird on it's eye... the ISO 12800 photo is in the July thread. Before using Pentax DSLR with the top range 300 f4.5 prime (still have it and need to sell) it is unlikely I could I have got this one.

So just some of the my reasons why for not necessarily needing the Samyang f2-2.8, some may differ but we want justified photos. :D
My sis has this lens type (tamron with E mount) and it is the champion of people photography. The F2 at 35mm gives creamy subject separation and from 50 onwards 2.8 is enough for that, reaching 150mm for candids.
I do not do enough of that photography to need it, it is so large and heavy (I have handled it).
For professional in events, I think a winner.
For my personal use, 28-200 all the way, 70-300 if i need better toneh
Need Toneh it's for you Daumenhoch

Those creamy backgrounds at 35mm mmmmmmmmmmmmmm yum

The Creamy Toneh shutter sound app you can download oh yeah
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I shoot photo of events at my church and while most of them are during the day a good portion are in the evening and it gets pretty dark. When I'm hitting 12800 ISO I'm really wanting something faster. But when I have to use a prime or switch lenses it takes a lot of options off the table as far as available shots go.

This could be a really great option but it would have to perform. I know a lot of people don't like the size/weight but it's lighter than the Lumix 70-200 f2.8 or even the Sigma. No OIS kind of stinks but I understand that would make it even heavier. But what I've seen in terms of AF or even just quality control in terms of zoom creep or those weird errors in photo mode mentioned in Dustin Armstrong's review have not impressed me.
I shoot photo of events at my church and while most of them are during the day a good portion are in the evening and it gets pretty dark. When I'm hitting 12800 ISO I'm really wanting something faster. But when I have to use a prime or switch lenses it takes a lot of options off the table as far as available shots go.

This could be a really great option but it would have to perform. I know a lot of people don't like the size/weight but it's lighter than the Lumix 70-200 f2.8 or even the Sigma. No OIS kind of stinks but I understand that would make it even heavier. But what I've seen in terms of AF or even just quality control in terms of zoom creep or those weird errors in photo mode mentioned in Dustin Armstrong's review have not impressed me.
I use my Lumix 85mm F1.8 for that in our church. Or when it is closer by the 50mm F1.8.
I've used them also for video in dark settings at F1.8. Works like charm.
85mm seems to work decently in worship service but there are definitely shots where I want something longer, say 135mm, and then 85mm can be too long when I'm in the kids ministry area and I have kindergartners running around me :)
85mm seems to work decently in worship service but there are definitely shots where I want something longer, say 135mm, and then 85mm can be too long when I'm in the kids ministry area and I have kindergartners running around me :)
I understand, different church, different needs.
In the main hall I do use the 85mm a lot, although sometimes I might switch to 50mm. In the other rooms I don't shoot often.
In Europe we have quite strict privacy laws, so I mostly only take pictures of the band and the preacher.

If I do make pictures of any kids or adults, I make sure I have the permission beforehand, especially if we use the pictures online.