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S9, S5, S5ii/x, S1Rii... what's next?

Different people have different use cases and therefore different preferences for big or small bodies, big or small lenses, fast lenses or slow lenses, zooms or FFL etc.

We have atm enough bigger bodies. Both in L-Mount and in MFT.

I would say the L-mount needs small lenses before it needs smaller cameras,

We have a lot of choice for small lenses already. The Sigma i-series for FFL and some Sigma zooms for L-Mount are the proof. Of course there are gaps, but it is already a great choice for L-Mount.

What is definitely missing are smaller bodies with EVF. Nobody has to buy them, if he does not want to ;)

A lot of people don't want their cameras to be very small because they still equate large with high quality.

I am not sure about this. What is very small? In fullframe this will be not really very small, because of sensor size, cooling, IBIS, size of EVF etc. Small is relative. I guess the Sony A7c is the smallest you can get.

I do not know any amateur photographer, who is willing to carry more than he absolutely needs. Since most camera, big and small, are made out of plastic nowadays, they do not feel better, just because they are bigger.

But the sales numbers of Fuji X system with its smaller bodies and of Sony A7c etc. cameras are the proof that smaller is selling really good.