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[Done/Reserved until money hit the account] S5ii - Pristine, hardly used. UK. Could do EU too in October


I’ve managed to reach three L-mount cameras which is really one too many. Since I exclusively do stills, the S5ii really is overkill so I’ve decided to sell. It really is mint condition. Hardly used. Boxed with all the original bits, most still in the protective wrap. I’m asking £990. Ideally UK, but can ship in EU when I visit Norway in Oct. I can post pictures, but you all know what an S5ii looks like and I promise you, it’s pristine.
That's a good price and you don't have to worry about Ebay etc. I had an a rse hole of a buyer of a SACD player and never again do I want to sell on it.

CEX can quite good too for getting rid of electronics you don't want, give you the money and bye bye no potential come back.

Ordered A7CR then? If this were Pentax you'd be condemned and definitely no moderator!
That's a good price and you don't have to worry about Ebay etc. I had an a rse hole of a buyer of a SACD player and never again do I want to sell on it.

CEX can quite good too for getting rid of electronics you don't want, give you the money and bye bye no potential come back.

Ordered A7CR then? If this were Pentax you'd be condemned and definitely no moderator!
No, definitely not going to get an A7CR!

But I might get a G9ii. Just maybe…