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S5ii Electronic First Curtain Shutter

Interestingly, if you read what the manual actually says, there is wriggle room for EFCS to actually be the same sort of kludge that Olympus did:

View attachment 8651

Note it says "small", not "none". And...
Yes this is what I felt in my hands, lesser shock. This is clearly not EFCS
View attachment 8652

There is no contradiction between "This type starts exposure electronically" and the 0s kludge.
Then what is the first curtain doing when it says "This type starts exposure electronically", why is it still going up and down? For what purpose?
I understand only half, but have experieces with this kind of tests, and if splitscreen would work than two devices next to each other should also work. Or do you need screen recording? If so a 2nd cam with highest speed video could help.
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