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S5 fault


Hi everyone.

My S5 appears to have developed a fault.

If I leave the camera standing for more than a couple of days, the first frame shot is completely unexposed. Exif data indicates that a shutter speed/aperture combination were set which would have given sufficient exposure for an image.

Next shot is fine. No more issues. If I set the camera aside for another couple of days, the first shot of the session is again, completely unexposed.

Anyone experienced anything similar?
Hi everyone.

My S5 appears to have developed a fault.

If I leave the camera standing for more than a couple of days, the first frame shot is completely unexposed. Exif data indicates that a shutter speed/aperture combination were set which would have given sufficient exposure for an image.

Next shot is fine. No more issues. If I set the camera aside for another couple of days, the first shot of the session is again, completely unexposed.

Anyone experienced anything similar?
"If I leave the camera standing for more than a couple of days," like left ON in Sleep Mode or .....?
"If I leave the camera standing for more than a couple of days," like left ON in Sleep Mode or .....?

Switched off. Either with or without battery in place.

It's been happening for about two weeks now.

Going to leave it without a battery in for about a week then update the firmware. I'm not hopeful though. Suspect a mechanical fault.
Personally, I never leave my cameras without a battery in them, and never had any issues because of that.
FWIW, I haven't used my S5 for about a week and upon turning it on just now it worked fine.
Are you waiting for your S5 to fully turn on?
That sounds strange. What battery (original or third party) do you use? Do you have spare batteries? Do you have tried different SD cards? Or different lenses?
I have both Lumix and non-Lumix batteries.

I haven't tried with a different lens, or SD cards.

Personally, I never leave my cameras without a battery in them, and never had any issues because of that.
FWIW, I haven't used my S5 for about a week and upon turning it on just now it worked fine.
Are you waiting for your S5 to fully turn on?
I am waiting for it to fully turn on.

If I switch off, then back on 12 hours later, it's fine. The issue only manifests itself if I don't pick the camera up for at least two days.
I have both Lumix and non-Lumix batteries.

I haven't tried with a different lens, or SD cards.


Does it happen wie original as well as with third party batteries?
I would als try different SD cards and lenses.

I had also a similar, strange issue a while ago. The pictures/exposure of my S5 turned black after the first shot, which was normal. Kind of the opposite of your issue. But it turned out, it only happens with my third party batteries and my Sigma 35/2 lens. No problem with OG batteries and Sigma 35/2. No problem with third party batteries and Lumix lenses or my Sigma 28-70/2.8. I still don't know the reason why that happens. But that's why I always recommend to reproduce such strange issues with different lenses, batteries and SD-cards.

If it's happening with any kind of lenses, batteries and SD-cards, you will know the issue is in the Body.
Does it happen wie original as well as with third party batteries?
I would als try different SD cards and lenses.

I had also a similar, strange issue a while ago. The pictures/exposure of my S5 turned black after the first shot, which was normal. Kind of the opposite of your issue. But it turned out, it only happens with my third party batteries and my Sigma 35/2 lens. No problem with OG batteries and Sigma 35/2. No problem with third party batteries and Lumix lenses or my Sigma 28-70/2.8. I still don't know the reason why that happens. But that's why I always recommend to reproduce such strange issues with different lenses, batteries and SD-cards.

If it's happening with any kind of lenses, batteries and SD-cards, you will know the issue is in the Body.

Good idea.

It'll probably take about 10 days to work through some combinations. My Sigma 35mm f1.2 is more or less permanently attached to this body :)

This image was captured immediately after the black frame.

P1078251_1696x1696_U_0_Original ratio.jpg
  • Panasonic - DC-S5
  • 35mm F1.2 DG DN | Art 019
  • 35.0 mm
  • Æ’/2.8
  • 1/1000 sec
  • Center-Weighted Average
  • Auto bracket
  • -0.7
  • ISO 100
Hi everyone.

My S5 appears to have developed a fault.

If I leave the camera standing for more than a couple of days, the first frame shot is completely unexposed. Exif data indicates that a shutter speed/aperture combination were set which would have given sufficient exposure for an image.

Next shot is fine. No more issues. If I set the camera aside for another couple of days, the first shot of the session is again, completely unexposed.

Anyone experienced anything similar?
Sticky shutter??? What shutter setting? Try all of them? Running out of suggestions here! :confused:
Does it happen wie original as well as with third party batteries?
I would als try different SD cards and lenses.

I had also a similar, strange issue a while ago. The pictures/exposure of my S5 turned black after the first shot, which was normal. Kind of the opposite of your issue. But it turned out, it only happens with my third party batteries and my Sigma 35/2 lens. No problem with OG batteries and Sigma 35/2. No problem with third party batteries and Lumix lenses or my Sigma 28-70/2.8. I still don't know the reason why that happens. But that's why I always recommend to reproduce such strange issues with different lenses, batteries and SD-cards.

If it's happening with any kind of lenses, batteries and SD-cards, you will know the issue is in the Body.
"which was normal" I don't believe that is "normal" performance. Please enlighten me if I'm mistaken. :)
Sticky shutter??? What shutter setting? Try all of them? Running out of suggestions here! :confused:
It's any setting - I tend to use A mode. The only unusual thing I'm doing is bracketing.

Going to wait until this evening and power it up with the 135 on. If it doesn't give me a black frame, it's back to the 35 on Tuesday. If I get a black frame, I'll try again on Thursday. If I get another black frame, I'll try with the 135 again on Saturday. Unfortunately, I deleted previous black frames on sight in Lightroom so I've no records. I've had issues like this before when I was using a Godox Xpro flash controller - regular as clockwork - only ever happened when the controller was on. I solved it eventually by upgrading to the Xpro II (looks more professional). In those instances, the lens in use was a Sigma Art macro which I've since sold in favour of the lighter Laowa Apo.

It's a form of torture. Because this latest issue has only ever happened when the camera has sat for a couple of days, It's going to be a while before I identify the culprit.
First shot this afternoon - 135mm f1.8 lens. Black.

Opened in Lightroom, cranked all of the sliders to the right, it's pretty obvious that the shutter didn't open at all.

Going to try different SD cards/batteries/FW update - however, this looks to be a mechanical problem.
Try switching it to the electronic shutter and see if that does the same.

I would also try using it with only Lumix batteries.