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S5 battery drain?

It’s likely (I would hope) the internal circuitry would cut the coin cell supply to the clock before it reached a critically low voltage.
None of the clock/trickle charger data sheets I've seen refer to a voltage cutoff. At some point the oscillator will stop oscillating, but I'd expect that to be at well below 2V.
Similar design has been used in computer motherboards for decades to supply BIOS chips power for the internal clock.
No. PC motherboards have almost universally used primary CR2032 cells. Some DSLRs have user-replaceable CR2016 or CR2032 primary cells.

To kill a motherboard cell it generally would have to be left without any external power for months or years.

Yes, typically years. Lifetime is shortened because motherboards are usually quite warm.

From the example spec sheet the deeper discharge can lower cycle life from 1,000 to 300.
Check the scale on the graph. It goes down to 30 cycles.

Here's another App Note, with a maybe clearer graph, refering to an ML614 cell, more like Panasonic's preferred ML421: Calculating ML Cell Life for an RTC Backup Operation

Quite significant, but I would guess to hit deep discharge it would have to be stored for a long time without the main battery, months, possibly longer?
Months, AFAICT. The capacity of an ML421 is 2.3mAh (yes, a thousandth of the capacity of the main battery).

but even if storing a camera for 1 month at a time caused the coin cell a deeper discharge, you’d probably still need 10+ years to reach end of life.
We would hope so. But clock battery failure does seem to be a thing on other Panasonic cameras using the same battery.

Problem is that the cost of replacing the $0.8 clock battery could be $300-$500. It may be cheaper to wear out a few $100 main batteries leaving them in the camera.

(I understood this discussion as mainly about S1/S1H/S1R).
These are stock phrases copied from one manual to another. Studiously vague.

What is a "long period"?

An hour? A day? A month? A Year? A Decade?

Nikon does the same thing:


Clearly, unlike Panasonic batteries, Nikon Batteries, in spite of the recessed and hard to probe contacts, are very dangerous, requiring terminal covers. ‍‍

That text can be found in a lot of Nikon manuals.
Is anyone experiencing battery drain in the S5 (or panasonic bodies generally)? I had that issue with a G85 and GX8. Drove me crazy as I don't shoot every day. Is anyone seeing that in their Penny FF bodies?

I have a Nikon EL-EN15 dummy battery now.

Anyone care to guess the battery current for an "Off" D7200 ?
Is anyone experiencing battery drain in the S5 (or panasonic bodies generally)? I had that issue with a G85 and GX8. Drove me crazy as I don't shoot every day. Is anyone seeing that in their Penny FF bodies?
My S5 does it just like my S1R did.
In my experience the S1 drains the battery quite faster than what I've seen in my GH5 and G9, whether it's working or in idle mode.