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I suspect the Amazon Spain price is an error of some sort, though being removed and then coming back might suggest otherwise. It's very unusual to get such a good deal here.
I wonder how can they do the same mistake two times... maybe I try to see if it really works... after having a serious conversation with my wife Z04 Wife

Those who are going to die salute you Z04 WifeZ04 HinterherjagenZ04 FluchtZ04 Kaputtlachen
Is there something coming in April we did not expect? Something not video focused?
I don't think so. The Amazon Europe has many pricing errors that are repeating. Back when I was shooting m43, Olympus immediat discount Deals where well known to double at amazon from time to time. Amazon sometimes dropped the price of some lenses by the Olympus discount and additionally had a coupon on the lens for the Olympus discount which could activate on top. Sometimes they accidentally also sell the kit for the body price or something like that. And often it seems that the notice the error and correct the price, but it will happen again only a short time later. If the product is on stock, amazon also shipped the product for the price error, because the system of Amazon is faster in shipping than in correcting errors.