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News S1Rii - Read all about it!

Another video from Richard, this time on 4k120. It would seem that shooting in pixel/pixel mode with 4k120 overcomes most the slower AF others have reported when using 4k120, and also reduce rolling shutter. Of course, you then get a 2x crop, which could be a curse or a blessing, depending on the scenario.

A comparison to the Sony FX3. TL/DR: S1RII did quite well, other than at 8K, where it suffered from rolling shutter and overheating issues (as is well known at this point).

2 different live streams:
Matt Frazer is really good. He often provides the reasons behind the engineering decisions that have determined certain feature limitations. This helps to answer the type of comments you see online, like "Why doesn't Panasonic just do this...".
Another video from Richard, this time on 4k120. It would seem that shooting in pixel/pixel mode with 4k120 overcomes most the slower AF others have reported when using 4k120, and also reduce rolling shutter. Of course, you then get a 2x crop, which could be a curse or a blessing, depending on the scenario.
haha yes after i said i won't do any more S1RII video, i just can't resist after watching the last lumix live stream and they talked about the pixel pixel mode for 4k120 as i want to see if it really make a difference or not.
haha yes after i said i won't do any more S1RII video, i just can't resist after watching the last lumix live stream and they talked about the pixel pixel mode for 4k120 as i want to see if it really make a difference or not.
Yes, and thank you for that. It's an important bit of information. Certainly, if I were to record wildlife, I'd probably want that crop anyway.
Matt Frazer is really good. He often provides the reasons behind the engineering decisions that have determined certain feature limitations. This helps to answer the type of comments you see online, like "Why doesn't Panasonic just do this...".

Pete I agree. I got the chance to met Matt when i was in Osaka last year. He was able to answer all my questions with good clear explanations of why something was done in a particular way, not with the typical marketing answers but real reasons.

It's so easy for us just to complain and assume the products/engineering team are not listening and ignoring the market. But 99% of the time, there are good reasons why things are done / not done in a particular way.
They just have so many things they have to consider and balance that are not apparent to us at all.
Pete I agree. I got the chance to met Matt when i was in Osaka last year. He was able to answer all my questions with good clear explanations of why something was done in a particular way, not with the typical marketing answers but real reasons.

It's so easy for us just to complain and assume the products/engineering team are not listening and ignoring the market. But 99% of the time, there are good reasons why things are done / not done in a particular way.
They just have so many things they have to consider and balance that are not apparent to us at all.
Yes, there is a great example of this at 19:28 on the video where Matt explains that they want to make sure that what they are including in the camera's engine results in formats that can be edited using existing software because... "we like our customers!".
haha yes after i said i won't do any more S1RII video, i just can't resist after watching the last lumix live stream and they talked about the pixel pixel mode for 4k120 as i want to see if it really make a difference or not.
Not to have you out running more rolling shutter tests, but another thing occurred to me. Assume you are running a full frame 4K video mode, and also have Hybrid Zoom enabled, so you get a X2 composite zoom with the S1Rii. That is you go from full frame to pixel to pixel as you zoom the lens. The 20-60mm lens would now zoom 20-120mm. At X2, is this the same as switching the camera to 4K pixel to pixel? Do you get the improvement with rolling shutter? And what about the focal lengths between 20 and 120mm? Is there some point where rolling shutter gets better? 90mm? Or only at pixel to pixel?

There is the same question for photos. Is rolling shutter better at pixel to pixel than full frame? Is there a way to set pixel to pixel in the photo mode? I wish I had the camera, or at least a user manual, to help answer some of these things.
Matt Frazer is really good. He often provides the reasons behind the engineering decisions that have determined certain feature limitations. This helps to answer the type of comments you see online, like "Why doesn't Panasonic just do this...".
I don't mind Sean Robinson either. Pretty straight shooter. If he doesn't know some particular detail/s, he'll say so, and get back at a later date. If he's not allowed to say something, he'll come straight out and say so.
He used to post a little bit on the swamp that goes by the name with D & P in it, that didn't last long as the vociferous misery gutses that inhabit that swamp pretty much went straight on the attack, basically calling him a liar and so forth. A shame, as he shared really good info.
hey Charles,
Hybrid zoom can only be used in Full Frame mode for video. Which makes sense as hybrid zoom basically rely on the extra resolution to work, so it doesn't make sense when you already shooting in a cropped mode.
i haven't test rolling shutter in photo mode, it's quite hard to test manually unless I have two S1RII.
But in theory anything that shoots in cropped mode would give you better rolling shutter as the camera only need to read from a smaller area of sensor.
However there is no pixel to pixel mode for photo. And for lumix cameras, RAW photo are always full size full resolution.
I don't mind Sean Robinson either. Pretty straight shooter. If he doesn't know some particular detail/s, he'll say so, and get back at a later date. If he's not allowed to say something, he'll come straight out and say so.
He used to post a little bit on the swamp that goes by the name with D & P in it, that didn't last long as the vociferous misery gutses that inhabit that swamp pretty much went straight on the attack, basically calling him a liar and so forth. A shame, as he shared really good info.

Yeah Sean is great guy as well! He is a super keen photographer himself, if you follow him on Instagram, FB..etc he posts photos almost every day!
I thought I'm a passionate photographer, but he is much more passionate than me.
I don't mind Sean Robinson either. Pretty straight shooter. If he doesn't know some particular detail/s, he'll say so, and get back at a later date. If he's not allowed to say something, he'll come straight out and say so.
He used to post a little bit on the swamp that goes by the name with D & P in it, that didn't last long as the vociferous misery gutses that inhabit that swamp pretty much went straight on the attack, basically calling him a liar and so forth. A shame, as he shared really good info.
He left the DPR forum?
Just recently he answered to me helping with a problem I had, I have not noticed him leaving.
But yeah, lots of toxicity around.
I think it is that some people seem not to be able to leave an opinion to which they disagree just stand, without "correcting" it, and create a circle of hate.
Anyway, heading to watch the AMA, am curious.
He left the DPR forum?
Been a long long time since I looked in there, around the time the G9 mkII was released, and he had disappeared around then, or just after. Maybe he's given the swamp another try? Personally, I'm well past being interested on what goes on there.
I don't mind Sean Robinson either. Pretty straight shooter. If he doesn't know some particular detail/s, he'll say so, and get back at a later date. If he's not allowed to say something, he'll come straight out and say so.
He used to post a little bit on the swamp that goes by the name with D & P in it, that didn't last long as the vociferous misery gutses that inhabit that swamp pretty much went straight on the attack, basically calling him a liar and so forth. A shame, as he shared really good info.
Yes, I like Sean too. I watch the Lumix Live stream most weeks and usually always learn something cool.
He left the DPR forum?
Just recently he answered to me helping with a problem I had, I have not noticed him leaving.
But yeah, lots of toxicity around.
I think it is that some people seem not to be able to leave an opinion to which they disagree just stand, without "correcting" it, and create a circle of hate.
Anyway, heading to watch the AMA, am curious.
I am guessing that Sean responded to you in the L-mount forum? The main swamp at DPR is the m4/3 forum. Sean had posted there in the past about the G9II and got rounded on by the Olympus/OM trolls who pounce on anything positive posted about Panasonic and trash it.