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News S1Rii - Read all about it!

Thanks! That's Mt Sneffels.

And yes, I'd be up for a meeting at Monument Rocks. Never been there, looks interesting. Skies look reasonably dark. May or June looks good? I assume it's crowded on weekends.
Hmm. Possible, but depends on timing on other stuff; good college friend in Indianapolis is getting married right after we all meet up in Indy for the 500, so that's the last week in May and first week in June spoken for; another friend wants me to come to town to help with some technical stuff, and late April/early-to-mid-May are candidates. Mid-June should definitely be clear; May might or might not depending on the specific weekend.

Oh, and I've never seen it crowded; maybe 10-15 people at once, max.
reading through the thread a stupid question popped in my head: the only thing bothers me a bit is the small buffer, especially in combination with 40fps burst. So my question: why not just shoot high res video? Especially pro res raw? And then extract which ever suitable frame?

In practical terms, what are the trade offs? Obviously, you don’t get raw when shooting h.264 or h.265. So less leeway in post. But ProRes raw? File size will be a problem I guess. But since it can write tk SSDs that are actually cheaper than CFX cards…
I guess still a bit of resolution penalty too although the crop kind of negates part of it.

What else am I missing?
reading through the thread a stupid question popped in my head: the only thing bothers me a bit is the small buffer, especially in combination with 40fps burst. So my question: why not just shoot high res video? Especially pro res raw? And then extract which ever suitable frame?

In practical terms, what are the trade offs? Obviously, you don’t get raw when shooting h.264 or h.265. So less leeway in post. But ProRes raw? File size will be a problem I guess. But since it can write tk SSDs that are actually cheaper than CFX cards…
I guess still a bit of resolution penalty too although the crop kind of negates part of it.

What else am I missing?
I know it is not the same, Jan, but the S5 OG still has the 6K photo recording mode...

reading through the thread a stupid question popped in my head: the only thing bothers me a bit is the small buffer, especially in combination with 40fps burst. So my question: why not just shoot high res video? Especially pro res raw? And then extract which ever suitable frame?
Good idea, I had thought a little about video capture as well. But the idea to get around the buffer limitation had not occurred to me. It is not possible to get the equivalent of 40fps 12 bit RAW with any of the video options of the S1R II, but there is 10 bit 8.1K video (1.89:1) at 30fps, and the promise of 10 bit 8.1K open gate video in the future. This 8.1K video is 4:2:0. If I did this I would use VLog and process it in a video editor and get photos from frame capture. A key point, with VLog you get the added dynamic range of processing in log, and maybe close to the equivalent of 12 bits for the photos. You would use a high shutter speed to capture crisp frames. So you would have 30fps, not 40fps, but with no buffer limitation.
So my question: why not just shoot high res video? Especially pro res raw?
The only ProRes RAW option is 5.8K, so this is a resolution drop from 8.1K. 8.1K uses close to every pixel in width, and 8.1K open gate uses close to every pixel in height as well. So video capture from 8.1K open gate should give high resolution 3:2 photos.
Nice work-around! I wonder if the readout speed is a little higher than 12-bit raw. Could also help with rolling shutter/warping.
According to the measure from Gerald Undone and others, it's quite the opposite. For example the read out speed in open gate video is slower compared to the 40 fps photo mode. Even 17:9 in full width it's slower despite it must not read the full hight. I suspect that Panasonic is reducing the read out speed on purpose because of heat generation.

However it could be faster in ProRes RAW, because it's pixel to pixel (cropped) readout. Also other pixel to pixel readouts with sub 6k resolution are faster. For example in 5.8k 17:9 pixel to pixel, it can do 120 fps, what means it reads in under 8.3 Ms. Unfortunately, I didn't found rolling shutter measurements for protest raw. But it's the same 5.8k pixel to pixel resolution (only 3040 pixel hight).
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According to the measure from Gerald Undone and others, it's quite the opposite. For example .....
As the Panasonic engineers work out each of the read out options, they pull out whatever tricks they need to make that option work. Some cropping to make the math faster, or line skipping in the case of 120 fps video, whatever they can do.

But the proposal was to attack the issue of the buffer limitation for high fps photos with video. This means using 8.1K video or 8.1K open gate video, and whatever rolling shutter comes with this. The other video options won't give full frame pixel to pixel photos.
I am not sure if someone already posted a link to this review of the S1RII by Zach Mayfield? This thread is already 11 pages long so I searched but couldn't find it.

Anyway, I think it's a great review.

I think we had not yet that review.

This S1Rii is like a virus. I know I do not need it and for me it has even disadvantages. But the sirens call me.... very dangerous....
I think we had not yet that review.

This S1Rii is like a virus. I know I do not need it and for me it has even disadvantages. But the sirens call me.... very dangerous....
That's the gear junkie in you talking. I know that character well. He sits on one shoulder, telling you your life would be better if you got the camera, while the craftsman sits on your other shoulder, telling you to just go out there and shoot more photographs instead. Maybe study the masters a little more.

The gear junkie is dancing on my shoulder as I type this. But, given the advantages the new body has over the S1R, the craftsman is brooding but nodding silently, with remorse over the possibility of losing that amazing OG body, but acknowledging the advantage of the new sensor, AF system, and faster drive modes.

Me? I just need some retail therapy. But then I must get out more and use the damn thing. I think that's what the summed message is.