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News S1Rii - Read all about it!

An interesting burst mode comparison/test from Richard:

The prores raw format, that the S1R records internally has a Bitrate of about 1.5 Gbps, so the camera should be capable of high writing speeds. Theoretically it should be possible to use this capabilities in burst mode. The RAW files of the S1RII are between 50 and 65 MB, jpeg about 20 MB. That means between 15 and 20 fps should be possible with constant writing to the CF Express card. Or did I get something wrong?
The prores raw format, that the S1R records internally has a Bitrate of about 1.5 Gbps, so the camera should be capable of high writing speeds. Theoretically it should be possible to use this capabilities in burst mode. The RAW files of the S1RII are between 50 and 65 MB, jpeg about 20 MB. That means between 15 and 20 fps should be possible with constant writing to the CF Express card. Or did I get something wrong?

1.5Gbps (gigabits per second) is 187.5MB/s (megabytes per second) so if the RAWs were about 60MB each it'd take 22.4 seconds to write 70 of them at that rate, which is in line with Richard's results. Since the card is labelled as being capable of a sustained write of 850MB/s it looks like the limitation is in the camera.
I didn’t watch the videos, but just looked at the sample gallery from dpreview and I must say that the 20-60 performed quite good with high resolution. At least while watching on my iPad.
1.5Gbps (gigabits per second) is 187.5MB/s (megabytes per second) so if the RAWs were about 60MB each it'd take 22.4 seconds to write 70 of them at that rate, which is in line with Richard's results. Since the card is labelled as being capable of a sustained write of 850MB/s it looks like the limitation is in the camera.
Thanks for clarifying.

Ironically, I did a second mistake. I also confused ProRes 422 HQ for ProRes RAW HQ. The Bitrate for ProRes RAW HQ in the S1RII goes up to 4.2 Gbps(according to cined.com) what would be about 560 MB/s. So it should take less than 10 seconds for writing 70 RAW files or it should be possible to instantly writing up to 9-10 fps on the card. Maybe more. It still looks like software limitation, that could possibly get improved.