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News S1Rii - Read all about it!

Did they announce that Lumix users have 3 monts Capture One access for free? Or just the users who buy the S1Rii?
Did they announce that Lumix users have 3 monts Capture One access for free? Or just the users who buy the S1Rii?
I think it's any Lumix user!
However the beta version i have only work with the S1RII, so it might be worth wait and make sure it works before you start the trial.
It looks fantastic. Just what I'd have asked for! I'm very tempted to order one. I resigned from my job over the weekend with the objective of fully retiring. So now I need to be a little more careful with my money. But I can see me getting one sooner or later.
I just got an offer from MPB for both my S1s (S1R and S1) of £1400. I'm really very tempted to just go for it!
Absolutely fantastic review @Richard Wong . A masterpiece! I can see this camera heading my way sooner or later!
I agree. I donated. Please everybody, donate to Richard on his YT channel if you like his videos.
you always have better prices in the UK, that is unfair !!!! Z04 Menno
Err - exchange rate is currently 0.83, so ¢3599 * 0.83 = £2987 . Cheaper in Europe!!

Intertestingly, if you look at Richard's video at around 21:00 he has some shots taken with the 28-200 at 200mm. The IQ is really weak IMHO - exactly matching my impressions when I tested it.
Interestingly, it seems that there is no Live Comp on the S1Rii (yet).